
Saturday 24 October 2015


I get rid of everyone today, No.1 son off to start a new job and the missus off to the Lakes for a week of fresh air and walking, the only downside being that I have to look after the PO for a whole week. Anyway with my time free I have decided to go to FIASCO at the Royal Armouries in Leeds on Sunday, as an aside this is the only institution they have brought up North that has been worthwhile, the IWM at Salford is an expensive white elephant and sadly a project for a branch of the National Army Museum at Catterick or somewhere never got off the ground.

There is nothing specific I want to get at the show but I do want to keep my eye open for some possible Eastern Med terrain pieces now that I have ordered up the desert mat, I've always fancied a ruined temple, and I have seen some nice pieces in fish tanks. I also have an urge for a Roman Villa, I have seen some online but they are ruinously expensive, see what I did there and it's still early. I had a horrible thought last night that I should build it myself, which I think I could do, it's DIY that I cannot do but we will see, maybe a nice map project would pay for one.

I might also be tempted by some Black Scorpion cowboys, they are updating the range and adding to it as they are bringing out their own ruleset, they look great and are very easy to paint. I will continue to use Dead Man's Hand though.

Needless to say I shall let you know how I get on.


  1. We have a busload coming down from Falkirk with to be honest the Armouries being as big a draw as the show.. I have no definite plans for purchases but may pick something up.

  2. Hi Dave, is Billy Stephen or Rob Thomson coming down? If you see a guy with a green bag and a scar on his cheek say hello, better than a rose :)
