
Thursday 12 November 2015

Off To The Wars

This afternoon I am putting together my army list, packing my stuff and also the Romano-British army my son has decided on for the weekend at Wargames Foundry, I have no need to march at dawn so will have a lie in and head off after lunch, which should put me at the bar in time for the beginning of the good natured banter.

The weather forecast is not brilliant and I hate driving in the rain, however I will at least make it in daylight, coming back on Sunday night of course will be a different kettle of fish but hey ho, you have to make an effort.

Regular readers of the View will be disappointed on Sunday as obviously I will be at swords drawn from 9am until 5pm, however look on the bright side, no moans, besides the world has passed me by this week with not a lot to complain about. Part of the reason is that our living room is once again a building site and we will not have access to the TV for maybe another month or so, as I do not read newspapers I am may as well be on a desert island, four star of course none of that build your own farm stuff.

I have put the white flag up on Max Hastings' spy book, I have struggled to get half way through, and it is a weighty tome, but I can't find the will power to pick it up again. Thankfully two new books dropped through the door from Helion Publishing, 'Green Leader' which recounts the Rhodesian response to a heartless terrorist attack on a civil airliner, I have an interest in this book as I drew the maps for it. The second volume the one which I have chosen to read first is entitled 'Liddel Hart to Joan Littlewood' by Brian Bond, I was intrigued by this book when my wife was asked to index it, I caught snippets and immediately knew this was for me. The book is a study of British military history and in the main deals with our attitudes to WWI and WWII, I like debunking and this book debunks many things we take for granted about both wars.

 Before I leave here is a link to the cockpit conversation of 'Green Leader' warning the Zambians not to interfere as his forces shoot up several terrorist camps in Zambia.

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