
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Christmas 2015

I'm back, I was back on Monday evening but it has taken until now to feel 'embedded' once again in the bosom of my home and comfort zone. Never mind that what did you get? My sons treated me and us to some foodstuffs, a nice little box called a Ploughman's which contained pate, crackers and preserves and a large hamper which contains some lovely cheese, preserves, crackers and wine along with some other things, the grandchildren also contributed with little nick nacks. I was a happy bunny.

The wife and I decided not to give presents to each other this year, we are doing a lot to the house and will have more expense to equip the new kitchen as obviously nothing from the old one will work in the new one or at least that is the information which is coming my way. Not only that if we want or need something we usually just buy it.

 I did however decide to buy her a new iPad Mini as the one she has is old, a bit slow and becoming a tad heavy for her wrists, I wanted it to be a surprise and ordered it after she had left for London. To my chagrin I then began to receive emails from Apple which threatened to ruin the surprise and may compromise my massive collection of ensuing brownie points. My wife of course could access our email from down south. I had to check my emails more than usual and delete anything from Apple: thanks for buying Apple, thanks for buying iPad Mini, it will be delivered on, it is on its way, did you like it, customer review, book a session etc. I eventually emailed back and told them to STOP!

I managed to keep the secret and she was delighted, so delighted I find the old one popped on my bedside table now as it has suddenly become 'mine'.

Despite being urged since around the end of September to buy things for Christmas it didn't seem like Christmas to me, my missus wrote the cards and did all our shopping online, we didn't even need to buy food as we were away. I could look at the massive crowd of people in the local supermarket with incredulity, I even asked the check out girl if I had missed the news about the food shortages. One day, shops are shut for one day and you would think the Zombie Apocalypse was around the corner.

Christmas did grab me in the end, I arrived at my sons and had a great time, we Skyped the rest of the family and wished them well and listened to the seemingly endless list of toys etc. which brought such great joy to our grandchildren. Santa had been exceedingly generous.

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