
Friday 1 January 2016


Well, that's all the hoo ha over, or partly over as I have family coming today for dinner and a game scheduled for tomorrow, I have been up early preparing a couple of lists as I am unsure whether to play safe or try something out of my comfort zone.

I have been inspired by other blogs to put my wargaming plans for the coming year in writing, so without further ado here they are, in no particular order:

1. Finish tarting up and adding to my Dark Age armies.

2. Attend as many WAC events as I can.

3. Play some WAC at the club.

4. Possibly add more Imperials to my X-Wing fleet.

5. Give some serious thought to whether I should join the ranks of Muskets and Tomahawks or Bolt Action.

6. Start that Sassanid army.

7. Attend Salute.

8. Maybe try and run a Dark Age Campaign.

That is it for now, I still yearn to find that elusive local who will join in wargaming here at home, but nothing so far, perhaps I might put on some displays in the PO rather than a flyer in the window

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