
Thursday 7 April 2016

A Good day and still to go to Salute.

I ordered my new 'wargame' table a couple of days ago and got word that it would turn up this afternoon, this did not please Mrs. Anderson as she had made plans for lunch and to drive No.1 granddaughter home and my delivery time seemed destined to upset that plan. No fear, the table arrived early, I was off the hook.

Partly off the hook as I knew a couple of orders were due and we would of course be out as the mail now comes at a later time than it did in the late nineteenth century. I took the precaution of leaving a note as the normal unhelpful postman has been moved to another round and crossed my fingers that this one would be more accommodating.

Sure enough I returned home to find two parcels in the shed, good man. So the swag for the day came to a new table, German and British FOO's, a British HMG and 2" mortar teams along with some German 'tank hunters' and a number of German decals graciously sent by Matt of the Wargames Table. If I keep this up I won't have enough money for Salute in just over a week.

I got the 9x5 table as it is perfect for large ACW games, something I must get around to again, and if they are not big games then it gives me plenty of space at the edges for all the normal wargame paraphernalia without encroaching on the battlefield. Also one side should be perfect for Dead Man's Hand, X-Wing and Bolt Action games. As you can see it is still surrounded by a Post Office, but this will change in the fullness of time, and no, it will never see ping pong or table tennis, not from me at least.

Another couple of map projects completed, the Scots Guards as I mentioned before and another on the Iran/Iraq war, I am back on the Somme at the moment then moving to a book about South African Armour during WWII and after.


  1. Great table, I'm sure its gonna get a lot of use, excellent map as well!

    1. Thanks Ray. I'm chuffed with both, this is the second set I have done for this author and I am now intrigued about this conflict.

  2. Looks impressive. If the usual bloggers gathering happens at Salute I might get a chance to say hello!

  3. Looks impressive. If the usual bloggers gathering happens at Salute I might get a chance to say hello!

    1. I'll look out for that. Otherwise you might find me hovering around the Helion Publishing stand.

  4. I'll see you at Salute then George!

  5. Replies
    1. No need, I had to buy a Post Office to get the space.
