
Tuesday 28 June 2016

This just in .......

I ordered my Panther yesterday and it arrived today, I got it on Ebay but it would seem the trader is actually Caliver Books and it was way cheaper than the Warlord vehicle.

In fact I am very impressed by the kit and have only just opened the box and looked at it, all the sprues are contained in their own plastic bag, the instruction sheet is a decent size and it has decals. What I really like about the decals is that the turret numbers come in three's, no more mucking about with single numbers and trying to get them to line up, this is progress, for me at least.

Don't you think the Panther slightly boring, it is no doubt a strong contender for the best tank of WWII but it does not have the quirkiness of the Pz IV or Pz 38(t) series or the ugly confidence of the Stug III's. The Panther is not ugly it doesn't have a line out of place, it is supremely dangerous, means business and cannot be ignored, but ....

Warlord have been in touch, seemingly the M10 I got was the old resin version which didn't come with decals while the new plastic kit does, but if you charge the same money surely that arguement does not stand up. Anyway they have been as efficient as ever at the customer services department and Lorenzo is offering to send me the decals free of charge with my next order. Just when you think you are out etc.

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