
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Trumpet Blowing

I almost forgot in all the excitement of my holiday that quite recently one of the books for which I drew the maps has won a prestigious award from The Society for Army Historical Research as 'Best First Book'. The author, Randall Nicol, phoned me up to thank me which pleased me enormously. I am quite lucky with Helion & Co as unlike many military publishers who do not mention the cartographer I get credit for drawing the maps and quite often a mention in the foreword or acknowledgements. Randall is now working on a second book and is sure our paths will cross again.

A couple of the maps from "Till the Trumpet Sounds Again: The Scots Guards 1914-19 in Their Own Words."


  1. Well deserved! I didn't know the cartographer commonly went without credit. Wouldn't happen in the film industry, I'll bet.

    1. There aren't many in my library that name the cartographer, although some do append their name to the maps. Ta.

  2. Wonderful maps. There have been many otherwise excellent military history books I have read that could have done with some of your work!

    1. Thanks Tony, I now refuse to buy military history if there are no maps, and it surprises me how many books still lack the basics.

  3. Such splendid maps deserve the recognition, weird that cartography is not credited, they are quite important when following the narrative in most cases.

    1. Randall also knew exactly what he wanted which helped greatly. He also left me one of his facsimiles which will be framed in due course when I finally take over the PO.

  4. Congratulations George on the well deserved accolade!
