
Monday 26 June 2017

The Legion Complete.

I finished the last of my Aurelian Romans last night and Auxilia Cohors II joined the army this morning, I am very please the way they turned out, I was a bit dubious about the blue shields but I decided to make blue the primary colour for the unit and after a dusting down it all looks good.

Mate Dave Toone threw the gauntlet down on his WAB page with a photo of his Republican Romans and a 'show me yours' dare, so, as I have a window between map projects I took the time to muster the full Legion and call his bluff.

I like all my armies but I have a special liking for the Thunderbolts, they are a complete historical unit with a history covering several hundred years, from Caesar until their mention in the Notitia Dignitatum on the Euphrates frontier in the 5th century. Not only were they honoured with the Fulminata title they also have Paterna (alluding to lineage?), Victrix (Victory), Antiqua (longevity), Certa Constans (surely constant) and Galliena (honorific from the emperor Galliena). It had a sticky time in 62AD being defeated by the Parthians and again in 66AD when it lost its Eagle during the Zealot Revolt but apart from that was a first class fighting force.

Next on the tray are the plastic archers, again no hurry for these but at the same time not hard to paint so maybe not long until they are done, they are primed and ready to go. By the way, that is not my library in the background but the book exchange in the PO.


  1. Lovely stuff George. Nothing like the feeling of completing a big army like that!

    1. There's been another one since then Andy, four now with a possible fifth for the long winter evenings. Cheers.

  2. Lovely figures but you've got me confused. Are these named for Marcus Aurelius in the 2nd century or Aurelian in the 3rd? And if the former where's Russel Crowe?

    1. 2nd century, the army covers 150-200AD hence the inclusion of the Contarii and Cataphracts. Having said that I think it was mainly Lucius Verus who campaigned with them in the East rather than Marcus Aurelius.

    2. Oh, and Warlord I think do a Russell Crowe complete with dog but smaller(?) and leaner than the Aventine figures.

    3. You are right and their Marcus Aurelius is a dead ringer for Richard Harris too. The attention to detail is excellent and I particularly like the way the Russell Crowe lookalike is clutching an Oscar in his right hand!

  3. A fine collection, but 'more' is always a good option!

    1. The only thing which is left are mounted Roman archers but I wouldn't hold your breath, just getting this lot into a game will take some doing.

  4. Stunning work George! Wonderful :o)

  5. A fine looking collection you have there George, but what is this "complete" nonsense? You can never have enough Romans ;~)

    1. So I am told, but I would struggle to get this lot on the field all at once but wouldn't that be nice.
