
Monday 5 June 2017

Told You

Do you remember my overwhelming disappointment on my visit to the newly opened National Army Museum a few months ago, it would seem I was ahead of the crowd, the historian Andrew Roberts has just penned a piece far more competent than my miserable scribbles for the Spectator, take a minute and have a look.

I have also cracked on the figure front, I have managed to persuade myself that I really do need that second Auxiliary cohort for Legio XII so I ordered it up last night, I must take it easy though with the painting and make them last, though I can't see it. In the same vein I have decided to look at getting a box of Gripping Beasts Dark Age Archers at Phalanx, my thinking here is they will be cheap, can double as skirmishers and no pointy spears to break or replace with metal and it allows my Romano-British a unit of massed archers, I can hear the sigh from the Saxon boxes now. I should think all my armies will now be comfortably 3,000+ points and nearing or surpassing 4,000.


  1. More Romans, I told you there would be!

    1. That's it now until I see Aventines 3rd C range.

  2. One can never have enough Romans, well done that man

  3. Thanks for highlighting the Spectator article. I'm not a great fan of Andrew Roberts (his Napoleon book and TV programme were ludicrous rose-tinted idol worship) but the article is spot on and well argued.

    1. As an admirer of 'Boney' myself I have the book but have not managed to finish it yet, I am not big on biographies. He wrote an interesting little book on Waterloo with a, to me, new slant on why the big French cavalry charge happened, it was interesting.
