
Saturday 26 August 2017

View From The WIndow

Its been a few weeks now and no musings due to the family weekend and then a trip to the capital, the family weekend went down a treat despite the 'mansion' leaving much to be desired, I have written a complaint to the Tourist Board for Cumbria as I have no other recourse against the manison's owner. I do not expect to recieve much in the way of satisfaction but it made me feel better, I have complained to such bodies before and they seem to take no notice whatsoever of the job they were set up to do i.e. ensure tourists have a good time or at least go away thinking they may return. I await their reply with great interest.

The world of course is just as mad as before, I would like to thank Ms Afar Hirsch for reinforcing my notions of culture, this being that no matter what magic wand is waved or piece of paper you are given you cannot simply attain the culture of your chosen country overnight. Ms Hirsch is the woman leading the movement for the removal of Lord Nelson from the column in Trafalgar Square, she is British-Ghanian. If she was simply British then the thought of removing Nelson would not have crossed her mind, but being British-Ghanian she sees a man of the 18thC who, maybe, like almost every other person in the UK at that time, thought that coloured people were inferior and is therefore a racist and should not be treated like a man who saved the entire country from a French dictator so that Ms Hirsch could have her rant in 2017. However, in the end no one alive knows what Nelson thought of coloured people because he never said.

I see no protestors......wait.....

 Another case of a mad world is the village of Moffat in Dumfries and Galloway whom I believe have a sheep 'race' during their gala day, it has been going on now for some five or six years, little jockey's are sat atop the wooly steeds. Not anymore of course, despite not one of the 2,500 villagers complaining, their non protests meant nothing against the 85,000 twittersphere morons, who do not live in the village nor will ever visit the village from voicing their disapproval, the council have now made it impossible through red tape to hold the event anymore. Is there not one of our elected leaders with any backbone.

It has been a few weeks now but am I the only person who thinks that there is something wrong with the whole story of the 'model' who was kidnapped to be sold into slavery then presumably let go because she had a child. Did she really believe that someone in Milan took such a shine to her that they organised a beauty shoot. Rather than suffering the trauma of being through such an ordeal she seems only too willing now to take most of her clothes off at the mere sight of a lens. Good career move, what's next, Celebrity Big Brother?

I see the sisterhood have now managed to muscle in on TV Sport big time, I have heard more about women footballers and rugby players in the last few weeks than ever before, go girl. Funny how they all remain silent on the thousands of women shorn of their pension rights, decent, hard working women, not Slebs, sporty types, new ager's, women breaking the glass ceiling etc. Just women who don't count, not for the feminists nor the government.

I have always maintained that the Royal Mail or Post Office Limited to give it its true title are b*^%$£(s to work with/for and I am very happy they take no notice of me whatsoever, the family of a Postal worker who died recently no doubt now share my disdain. They were asked only a day or so after the man's death to return his uniform. Posties come into my shop nearly every day and I would not use the word uniform to describe their dress, I actually blurted out to one that surely he wasn't a Postie as nothing about him screamed Royal Mail. The same attitude applies to me if I am robbed, it is immediately my fault until I can prove otherwise.

I see the residents of certain streets in Luton have listened to me at some point and are now smashing the windows of cars left locally to avoid parking fees while their owners jet off on their hols. I only suggested this happen to all those people who park as near as they can to the shops, usually on yellow lines or tag on to the end of proper parking spaces so you have to squeeze by them, if you can, or luxury car owners who need two spaces so they don't get their precious scratched. But if the residents cannot park due to absent owners, so be it. I am not heartless of course, I would put signs up first.


  1. Our elected representatives cannot lead the way out of a wet paper bag as they are too busy lining their own pockets and polishing their egos. I'd put them below estate agents, insurance companies, journalists and z list celebs when it comes to contributions to the human race's wellbeing.

    1. People in NI have come up with a good wheeze, if their MP's don't turn up at Stormont they don't get paid, love it, but it won't happen.

  2. I think Nelson was racist in so much as he thought the French were inferior - now, where's me ladder and sledgehammer!

  3. A fine column again there George, but did you have to get me started on the B******s stealing the wife's pension again :~)

    1. Sorry, but I still want my MP to show his face and explain it to me. I get mine this year, just, and heating allowance would you believe.

  4. Finally remember there's an internet and I was thoroughly enjoying The View when you mentioned pensions. After a four year postponement because she was born on the wrong date, Mrs A finally received her first state pension payment last month, minus three quarters which was whisked away by HMRC. When she got to the bottom of it, it turned out that some shiney arse in DWP completely cocked up her tax coding. Mrs A explained the situation what needed to be done. The clown from DWP cheerfully admitted their error and was pleased to announce that the missing money would be refunded as a descrete payment by the end of September! Good job we're not on the bread line yet.

    O.K., drip over, but, in fairness, it's Wednesday and I f****** hate Wednesdays - not as much as I hate Sundays though. Did I tell you I hate fish?
