
Sunday 22 October 2017

View From The Window

Late again, and why not, it is cool, raining, windy and grey it is very murky in the distance and I see Washington House's garage is now almost one with nature, at least the roof is, I am told there is all sorts of wildlife now resident in the building, probably not the nice fluffy kind either. There was a viewing a few days ago, the first time for months, and one of those Walter Mitty characters opined in the PO that he had sold a house for a fortune and maybe he would buy it, yeah right.

Now and again our boiler makes a whirring noise, it is one of those noises that really annoys, I can hear it in the PO through the ceiling, it reverberates throughout the house and I have to storm upstairs or along the hall and switch the thing off then on again. I have been informed it is the fan bearings and it is getting worse, phone up the boiler maintenance people, mmmmm. Seemingly they will not service the boiler as it is not due until December, they will not come to look at it because we still have heat and hot water, but if it is not repaired it will grind to a halt and cause a lot of damage to the boiler surely, so better to fix it now? No, and don't phone us again until December! So in other words my maintenance contract is of no use to me unless I end up with cold showers and sitting with a duvet wrapped around me, oh, and of course if I cancel the contract and tell them to go take a hike, yes I pay extra.

I have been jolted awake in the last ten minutes as I sat sipping my breakfast tea in front of the TV, incredibly they were having a debate about should the Red Poppy be dropped for an alternative, cue screaming at box in the corner. You could write the script for the objectors, British troops through the ages not only defended us but brought oppression to millions of people around the world and our children should be educated to see both sides of the argument (?) and allowed to make their own minds up, after of course being taught the error of supporting the Red Poppy by teachers who are citizens of the world rather than Britain. Despite the claims of the young social justice warriors, peaceniks and greenies on the BBC couches, that they only want to open a discussion (why?) what they really want is the end of the Red Poppy. These deluded fools still waffle on about world peace when you just have to watch the news or read any paper from the past one hundred years or more to see there is no such thing and probably never will be on the evidence.

Talking about oppression what did you do for Anti-Slavery day last week, no I didn't know about it either until I heard it dropped in a conversation where a young SJW said she believed that the UK was 'irredeemably racist', now that is a big statement with which to brand a whole country, talking for my own experience of nearly 65 years being a British citizen I can say that is utter tosh and the girl should be ashamed of herself. The same muck was heralded at PMQ's in Westminster as MP's fell over themselves to condemn slavery, they failed however to condemn the nations for whom slavery is still a part of their lives, and also failed to mention that single handed the Royal Navy stopped the slave trade on the world's oceans.

A professor recently had his article that colonialism was not all bad condemned and withdrawn due to pressure from the twittersphere and the snowflakes who could not countenance such a thing. If you look at the ex empire countries who are doing well they are the ones who kept their Imperial infrastructure and the ones who are now among the world's basket cases didn't.

If you need evidence that the world has gone to hell in a hand basket have a look below at the defenders of the public protecting us from their dodgem cars and what is wrong with the other picture?

What about Harvey Weinstein, his shenanigans have at least knocked North Korea and the approach of WWIII of the front page. I see of this morning another dead guy is being looked in to, Benny Hill, who would have thought, give me a break, he is dead! Of course sitting in an office Googling is far easier for the police than going out and catching bad guys that are alive.

The picture? Well the poltroon is wearing earphones while on guard duty, god save us.


  1. The SJW may have a point as none other than the great transgender model, Munroe Bergdorf, stated this week that she(?) will no longer participate in TV panel shows unless the panel is "diverse" - by "diverse" I think she(?) means that they agree to agree with her(?) - and that "The uncomfortable truth is that the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth." Obviously Munroe had spent a Saturday night in the George Washington.

    1. No! I won't have that, the GW is genteel, it must have been the Malt Shovel.

  2. Hi George...
    Any chance that guardsman communicates via wireless, hence the ear bud? Living in the colonies I don't know if they stay in touch with "HQ"

  3. The saga of Washington House goes on, and on, it seems. It needs a wealthy, and ignorant, Yank to save it for posterity I think.

    1. I think the main problem is it suits no one, not a family, no garden, main road. Too expensive for retiree's. Badly needs modernising inside and to top it all, it is pretty ugly IMHO.
