
Thursday 2 November 2017

El Lobo esta Muerto

Pretty dark and miserable heading to the club these days, especially after dealing with the great British public all day and then having to make your own tea before racing out the door and figuring out how the lights on the new car work.

Dead Man's Hand this week and just Simon and I, many of the rest of the lads have more pressing matters than playing with toy soldiers. So we fell back to the 'Spilled Gold' scenario, this time the wagon bringing the bullion to the bank in the centre of town was suddenly set upon by the local Outlaws and El Lobo's gang. The guards dropped the bullion box and fled so both sides were trying to grab as much gold as possible before the law turned up.

With no subtlety I advance my compadres along Main Street and hoped that in a close fight my pistols would count more than the mainly rifle armed outlaws, one of whom made a straight dash for the bullion. Despite my best efforts and almost mortally wounding the felon he grabbed some gold and fled to nearby cover, my men were now fairly easy targets in the middle of the street dodging behind horses and water butts. El Lobo foolishly ran forward and was gunned down before he could retreat, his tenure of the gang had been short indeed. My sniper on the roof, Miguel, who was normally deadly with his winchester couldn't hit a barn door, Fat Bob leapt across an alley only to land awkwardly and shoot both barrels of his shotgun into thin air rather than the outlaw standing next to him.

As time passed more Bandito's were dropping in the street, Fat bob was clubbed to death and pushed off the roof, Miguel still couldn't hit anyone, it was time for the remaining gang members to get out of Carefree.

I had a terrible night, one of those where you just cannot get a decent score on the dice, no matter that I changed them half way through I could not make any morale rolls, throwing a record dozen or so two's almost every time, not a good score for morale. It would seem that the coast may be clear for El Arana (Spider) to make a comeback, either that or I switch my loyalties to the cowboys at the Lazy J.

I worked on the Seleucid cavalry last night and they are all cleaned, not that there was much of that to do, armed and ready for priming, I am out of that so will have to go and get some today. I also need to find a Pound shop or somewhere which sells non designer superglue as this is the best type seemingly to stick Aventines new metal, the good stuff takes ages to set.


  1. Glad to see I am not the only one to have vindictive dice.

    1. The Gods always like to pull you back to earth.

    2. They do indeed, George, and all too frequently I’ve found...

  2. By one of life's strange coincidences I too am painting up a unit of cavalry: Victrix Numidians. Annoyingly some of the riders wouldn't sit easily on the horses but I got there in the end. My next lot up are Roman cavalry and I have gone with Aventine. I can see the end of my 28mm Ancient purchases in sight within a few months and then I am going to take a welcome break and paint up all my 6mm GHQ and Heroics & Ros AFV's for the WW2 North Africa campaign.

    1. I do wonder at times whether wargame companies try out the riders before casting them. I go some Confederate irregulars years ago from Frie Korps and they were simply unusable.

  3. Good luck with the glue George! I bought two tubes of cheapo super glue gel from B and Q only to find both tubes were solid. Back to the "premium" stuff for me :-D

    1. I may have found the perfect stuff, my Bostik is no use it takes too long. I found some unbranded stuff in the book shop in Carnforth and used it on a couple of heads, a shield and a javelin which had come loose from the previous night, no problem. So fingers crossed.

  4. I fully recommend Gorilla superglue. Never let's me down

    1. Have you used it on the new Aventine metal, that's what the problem is, not the glue.
