
Friday 10 November 2017

I Deserve It

I have been on a small spending spree recently, I jumped into the Mafia scene with a box set of Gomorrah and the movie 'Suburra' which is now a Netflix crime series, these are Italian productions and the former is quite gripping and manages to surprise, it is also quite manner of factly violent, it happens but is not dwelt on. On the strength of these I will probably buy Romanzo
Criminali as well.

I got two more DVD's, Mel Gibson's Apocalypto and an old favourite of mine Guns at Batasi, a wonderfully evocative movie of the end of empire and old fashioned British grit which has sadly gone the way of black and white movies. Along with this is the latest Walking Dead book, number 14, I am kind of stuck with these as there is no point stopping now, it does not interfere with the television series as they have gone their different paths.

I have been 'that man there' and you always knew it was you!

My first Aventine elephant arrived at last and tempted though I was to build it this lunchtime, I have put it off until this evening, a very bonny thing it is too, I hope I can do it justice. I also have slingers and archers now in the pipeline waiting to be primed and painted. If the new cavalry are out I will get them otherwise the next order will be line infantry. I have now sorted the movement tray out for the heavy cavalry and this time gone for the one with the 3mm lip, I think this is better than what I have been using.


  1. Why the bigger lip on the cav base? I'm puzzled.

    1. Because once the metal paper is in, then the tape on the base bottom and the base they sit flush with the movement tray edge. All my other troops are slightly above the tray lip. No big deal and I am not changing the bases on the other four armies, definitely, no way, no ..........

  2. You can keep the zombie tatt for me, but the figures are very fine, well done! Is the Nellie finished yet?

    1. Just picking up the brushes on Nellie right now.

  3. That nellie is a fine looking piece, I await to see it painted up.

  4. The spirit of Batasi is long dead and there's a fine essay by Paul Kennedy in Saturday's Times on the shocking decline in British naval power and the rise of China. The Great British Public will not give a fig and are likely to be more interested in the mooted reunion of the Spice Girls. Who needs naval power when we can have Girl Power?
