
Tuesday 5 December 2017

Man Flu

No club this week, I am suffering from the mother of all flu's, I am like a bear with a sore head. It would seem a few of us have fallen by the wayside this week and I made the decision earlier not to go, for starters I felt lousy and secondly I did not want to spread this horror. Rob has kindly put the Muskets and Tomahawks game back until next week, hopefully I will be back to normal by then, I didn't even manage to get any maps drawn today either, I only just managed to put a smile on for my customers.

Anyway I have bravely sat through some TV and managed to finish the Skythian horse archers and get a bit further with my first pike phalanx. I have not got to grips yet with the long pikes and keep catching them and knocking figures over or on to the floor, I can forsee problems on the battlefield and fingers like pin cushions coming up. The missus has bought the other three phalanxes for me, one I have now and the other two I shall get at Christmas, I don't see me finishing this one before Christmas as I have quite a few map projects in the wings.

I got Netflix recently and so far have enjoyed what I see, I am almost finished the second season of Stranger Things, finished Narcos and the superb Godless (which I highly recommend) and have now started on Mindhunter. I bought John Douglas' book when it first came out years ago, he was one of the first profilers for the FBI, and the book was a great read if obviously horrendous in parts as it deals with serial killers. The jury is out on the show at the moment, I like it but am not yet willing to give it my seal of approval, I do wonder, again, why they have introduced a pointless gay relationship when the woman being portrayed thus is actually happily married with a family. After the success of Godless I tried Frontier, about the Hudson Bay Company, it really is at the other end of the scale, dreadful, bad acting, bad accents and an unbelievably ridiculous story.


  1. Flu is a real b**tard. get well soon

    Have to agree on Frontier; I didn't make it past the first episode. (First 20 minutes actually)

    I'll certainly give Godless a try now - it does look interesting.

    1. That's about as far as I got with it. Despite all the modern prejudice boxes being ticked Godless rose above it all and was excellent.

  2. Neat looking Skithies. Hope you get over the dreaded MF, I have been a tad iffy, didn't paint last week and have had to bring stuff away with me to catch up.

    1. The Twelfth also have a unit as Auxiliaries, nice models. Have you had a chance to look at that Osprey book yet on Romans in the East?

    2. Got has far as looking at the plates and reading the captions, looks an interesting read from that. Must try and read the text when I get back from holiday.

    3. I might pick it up anyway, it has Romans in it.

  3. Good work on the Scythians. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Certainly a bit better today, exclusion zone down to 25 miles, lost a complete day yesterday and loads of maps to get on with.

  4. George if you have Netflix try the 3-part Hatfield's and McCoy's story....if you have not seen it yet.
