
Wednesday 3 January 2018

Man Flu II: It's Back!

I should have known better than to tease the Gods, my first bout of cold (I exaggerated a tad) left before Christmas but this sod hit me just after Boxing Day just to show me the difference between cold and flu. I have obviously not had real flu before because this takes the biscuit, every time I feel I see light at the end of the tunnel I get pulled back in again. I blame my own laziness as I couldn't be a***d going for my flu jab which I have had for the past three years and never had flu, I will not miss it again.

I have closed the shop this morning for a break, and am trying to decide whether to bother opening after lunch, this is the first time since taking over in 2000 the shop has been closed for illness, not the first time either of us have been ill though, I am old school and believe I have a duty to the ....... screech! Maybe I am just daft.

I have now lost a week of painting just as I had got my third phalanx started on, I think it would have been at the basing stage by now. I still don't feel like picking up a brush so it could be next week before I get back on track. I did manage to finish my very last figure of 2017 just before the lurgy hit, a Seleucid infantry officer, now this time I used the Tamiya Smoke wash on the armour once the figure had been varnished. I may still do things the usual way for the bulk of the figures and leave this shiny effect for the officers and generals, any thoughts?

Last figure of 2017.

My forlorn painting queue.
 The club have organised their first annual big nosh up at a local restaurant on Friday and it is looking decidedly dodgy whether I shall be able to attend, a real bummer if this is the case.


  1. Painting would probably lift your spirits and effect a return to good health as well. No charge!

    1. You could be right but I think I have two more days of enforced lethargy left in me before I have to rejoin the human race. I am hoping for a game on Saturday.

  2. I will try again, my IPad and Blogger appear to have fell out again.

    I like the wash on the armour it gives it a glint that will make him stand out from the grunts.
    Look forward to seeing them in due course.

    1. I'm going to take David's advice and paint for an hour. When I do a draft post my iPad will not let me alter it or show the whole thing, very strange. I shall go with the glint for the officers.

  3. If it makes you feel any better, I DID get my flu jab this year and like you have been hit TWICE by this same thing.

    On your iPad, you are best to either write your post in PAGES over several sessions and then paste that into the blog entry at the moment you are ready to do the final edit (i.e attach pictures etc) and publish OR use the App BLOG TOUCH PRO, which works perfectly in the iPad and will fully talk with Blogger.

    1. Thanks for that Norm, still trying to catch up. I do feel sorry if you have had this thing twice, perhaps I should stay indoors in a darkened room until March then?
