
Saturday 7 April 2018

Not Nearly Finished

About a month ago I was congratulating myself on how fast I had managed to paint the new army and get it on to the battlefield, I was a tad overconfident. Since then I have added more skirmishers, officers and mercenaries, as you know I have the Companion and cataphract cavalry still to come as well, I am now painting up bolt shooters and have taken delivery today of a unit of Thracians. Once they are complete I am mulling over getting some mercenary hoplites and a large bunch of Persian/Mede archers, I may have mentioned that already. Then, and only then will the army be finished.

Here are the latest, a bunch of elephant escorts for the second pachyderm, I doubt I will get the chance to use two units of this type but if I do the urge is covered.

I am heading off to Darlington tomorrow for a game with my son, he has chosen to lead the Twelfth into battle while I will be commanding the Seleucids, due to restrictions it will be a traditional 6x4 table and 2,500 points a side. It will be his first outing commanding a 'professional' army as opposed to his late Dark Age Carolingians, for me another learning curve in using the Seleucids.  The Thunderbolts' temporary Legate sounds a bit unsettled due to the untrustworthy Greeks possible use of elephants and chariots.

My mate got a shock when ordering up some 6mm transfers recently (not LBMS), a 4" sheet costing around a pound had a postage tag of £4.50! Now we are talking at best with the stamp, envelope and a little effort I think about £2.00, you can send a huge parcel weighing over a kilo for £2.45. I have had this problem with some firms as well and I find their excuses lame and predictable. I notice at shows one company doing very well despite my unnoticed long standing ban, ho hum.


  1. Finished, George? Now what kind of Wargamer comes out with that?

  2. It appears you can never have enough Greeks too 😀

    1. It does look that way, after today's battle I have some units to upscale.
