
Wednesday 25 April 2018

Those Cowboys are Mexicans

Winter has not done with us here in the Northwest, after one beautiful day at the weekend we are back to cold, grey and rain, as I type the heaven's are just waiting to dump on us. We got to the club early last night and had to go back to the car otherwise we would have been soaked waiting for the Keeper of the Keys. It was Dead Man's Hand last night and Simon had come up with a scenario, a Stage stops at a lonely depot to change horses, the bullion has to be transferred to the building for safe keeping, meanwhile a large gang has decided to ambush the stage, but unknown to them there is a large posse at the stage depot.

Simon had forgotten his glasses and I, as usual these days had not brought the extra cards to turn my 'Mexicans' into Cowboys on the make, so although looking like Cowboys my gang was actually guilty of cultural appropriation as they pretended to be Mexicans.

The game kicked off and I had the idea of flanking the depot to come up on the side with no windows, forcing the occupants to come out and face me while hopefully putting paid to the riflemen in the corral. Andy, my fellow bad guy, simply went in slinging lead, this unhappily resulted in his bossman hitting the dirt as the posse turned on him and closed the range. At this point I should have made a run for the depot to take the heat off but I was a move too late in figuring this out and more of Andy's men went south.

For a few minutes we managed to almost even the score but it was not the turnaround we needed, I threw a stick of dynamite into the depot only to have the fuse fizzle out. With Andy contained and on the back foot the good guys turned on me and I lost several men to a rain of bullets. In the end we got out of Dodge, a clear win for the Law.

The scenario is a good idea but needs some work, there were too many defenders and not enough attackers, we also needed to use more cover as the area around the depot was fairly void of this for the attackers. I must also mention that Simon's excellent die rolling did not help things for us. Elsewhere we had Shadespire and a large underground Frostgrave game.

I have upgraded my non-mobile phone (usually at the side of the bed with no power) to a more modern mobile which is also in tune with the car, wheeeee. I sent off emails to my dozen or so contacts and to my surprise within a few minutes I got a call, it was a Glasgow number and a voice asked "Is Dougie Duggan there?" So my first call was a wrong number! Later, as we sat playing our game a phone rang at the club, something which doesn't happen often and both Julian and Ryan were shouting at me that it was my phone, by the time I understood and got to my jacket pocket it was a missed call, doesn't bode well for the future.


  1. They "pretended" to be Mexicans!?! Is that even allowed in this age of cultural sensitivity? You'll have a posse after you complaining about racial stereotyping :-D
    An enjoyable looking game. You definitely need to give the attackers more cover ... after all they're sneaky Mexicans aren't they? ... No, wait a minute, I meant ...

  2. A fine looking game with an interesting scenario I may borrow at some stage.

    1. Needs a bit of tweaking but yes, a good idea.

  3. Or Texicans even, a fun game all the same. I don’t know what I will do when my dinosaur phone finally dies, these new fangled blocks are a mystery to me.
