
Monday 14 May 2018

A Convoluted Process

The original plan as you know was to finish my Seleucids this year and call it a day apart from the odd tidy up until at least next year, money, commonsense and the missus dictating that I did not need any more wee sojers. Well as of this weekend that is out the window. I'll find the cash, I have never been known for commonsense and, well we will leave that one alone.

As I wait patiently for the last of my cavalry to turn up I have had a bad week with nothing to paint after years of having something on the tray, I even dredged up five figures from my lead molehill, I am unlike other wargamers in this. I saw the Flags of War Kickstarter with beautiful figures for the Jacobite Rebellion and suddenly thought what a great idea what with me being a Jock and also enjoying rank on rank of red uniforms and fluttering Union flags, two birds with one stone. I then got cold feet as the figures will not be out until October and only if the Kickstarter is successful, a very comprehensive range is to follow if it is, but now we are looking at years away, so that's been put on the back burner.

I managed to get maybe one of the last copies of Muskets and Tomahawks for the French and Indian Wars along with the cards and have kept them in a drawer for a rainy day, this interest was mainly fired up at the club by Rob Martin and his excellent scenarios along with some beautiful figures brought by Rob and some of the other lads. I decided after some soul searching and research to put this game to the top of the pile.

However as I looked into the FIW period I couldn't ignore the Seven Years War of which it was part. Big battles, lovely figures, lots of army choices what more could I ask for, one last, big wargaming hurrah which could last years and possibly never end. As you know I got the 'Black Powder' rules in order to join Kevin with his Wars of the Spanish Succession, I also downloaded the 'Last Argument of Kings' to go with them, this has oodles of eye candy (and not much else for a tenner) for the SYW and attendant periods, so perhaps even the rule question had been sorted. In case it was not I have 'Honours of War' on the way and know but have never seen 'Beneath the Lily Banners' from the League of Augsburg.

So, that puts me on this course, finish the Seleucids, build forces for Muskets & Tomahawks, then jump into the SYW (28mm) for the foreseeable future, while restructuring my Cowboys and adding a couple more vehicles to Bolt Action. But don't put money on this yet.

I have also started buying used books from Amazon and have a few Osprey titles for the FIW on the way, most at half price, I can see me using this option more for the SYW.


  1. We often fight the desire for a new period or set of rules George. I don't know why really, because it's fun, even if it only lasts a few months before a change of heart. Life's too short for all this level headed grown up stuff, so be damned and go for it I say!

    1. I think this one will run and run Dave as long as my old eyes can keep up. Matt tells me you are enjoying BA, ready when you are me ol son.

    2. I know how you feel with the old eyes bit! Loving BA, but my hate of painting means that I'm still just putting the finishing touches on my first squad of infantry! I think it might be the same for me with BA as it is with you and your new project, but we'll see. Working on some 10mm as well, which doesn't help!

  2. Hey fellas!
    Delighted that you're enjoying a new era. As Dave rightly says, life's for enjoying and you can't take it with you.
    Looking forward to seeing how this project develops :o)

  3. The staple war gamers diet = more figures you don’ t need and a new project. Can’t fault you George.

    1. It was for my sanity Phil, or long evenings talking or listening to the missus :)

  4. Good to hear that Dave shares my dislike of painting. I have projects queueing for my attention - 6mm WOSS and WW2, 28mm phalangites, elephants (four of the blighters)and several units of cavalry, the entire OOB for Gettysburg in 2mm plus a hundred or so buildings, one last fleet of WW2 1:4800 (Kreigsmarine; RN, French and Italian fleets are done. We won't mention the IJN and USA fleets that are still in unopened bags), an entire Trafalgar battle pack from Tumbling Dice and a large array of Mirliton 28mm for a planned Battle on the Ice between Russians and Teutonic Knights - beautiful figures by the way - of which after six years I have only managed to finish Alexander Nevsky himself. I did finish my WAC republican Roman army only to find I hate fighting it. Grrrr!

  5. Hey George we have been doing SYW for a few years now but in 15mm. Very pretty and lots of fun.

    1. It’s always flags and/or shields for me, wins every time.

  6. A new project or projects, just the thing you needed if you ask me. Have you ordered the first army yet?

    1. Not yet but the future is bright. I have some BA figures and the Seleucid cavalry to do first, although I am sorely tempted. Everything nearly came to a halt as my watch needed a service but it has a four year warranty, so big sigh of relief.
