
Thursday 5 July 2018

An Unexpected Parcel

Ever since I got back from Tankfest I have been playing catch up, I have two projects 99% complete but am waiting for the authors to confirm the last maps are fine and we are good to go. I have a third which is 80% done and again am waiting for the last map, I don't like waiting, my store of patience ran out a long time ago, but hey I have plenty of other maps to draw. My missus very kindly took over my days in the PO this week in order to let me get on.

With the weekend away and so much to do I decided to give the club a miss this week so no battle reports. The missus shouted up yesterday that the Postie had just delivered a parcel for me, I was a bit unsure as I have not ordered anything for a couple of weeks now, but she was adamant and it was a large box, sure enough there it was. From Celestial Games, not a name familiar with me so I was still none the wiser, I then opened it up and SURPRISE, it was my second Kickstarter, the long awaited wet palette, I still await the first.

It is a neat item and a perfect size for my desk, it also comes with a magnetic, I don't know, normal palette with five paint holders on it, perfect for washes. I managed to get some painting done last night at last after a long break and the palette works perfectly, I opened it up a short time ago and the three colours I was mixing last night are still wet, result.

I finished my second SYW unit, a French battalion from the Regiment Aquitaine, well over a week ago but have not managed to get around to putting up a picture, so here it is. I promptly ordered up the flags for my next four regiments, no patience you see, the British 5th Foot and 2nd Battalion 3rd Foot Guards (Scots) along with Gardes Lorraine and Regiment Bretagne for the French. I only have the figures for the 5th which I am painting now.

Aventine have the first of their new Successor cataphracts out this month, beautiful figures but I am holding off for the Agema cataphracts and Companions, although I was sorely tempted to get some. I figure that by the time the 5th are done I might be right on time for those last two cavalry units for my Seleucids. I might also have some cash by then to buy them.


  1. Neat looking wet pallete, I'm a skin flint, Pringles lid, kitchen towel and baking parchment here :~)
    Fine looking Frenchies, always liked that haughty Gallic pose in the Front Rank figures.

    1. You have to be secure in your masculinity to pull that one off.

  2. Nice figures there George!

  3. Fab brushwork there George! Glad you like your wet palette, I got notification that mine is on the way so definitely looking forward to giving it a go as you have :)

    1. Thanks Ivor. Yes the palette is working out fine, I didn't bank on our heatwave, so I have to use more water than I normally would.

  4. That wet palette looks just the thing! Will have to put one on my birthday list.
    Another splendid looking unit for your collection. Lovely.

    1. It works well Matt although it hasn't seen a lot of use at the moment. Slowly getting the decks cleared.
