
Friday 13 July 2018


I have not managed to pick up a paint brush for a couple of weeks now, mainly due to the hot weather and the 'stuff it' attitude it can lead to, but I intend to do a couple of hours tonight, I am home alone, again, as my missus does a 500 mile round trip for a night's babysitting, yes, I know it is mad.

Thank god I can now switch the TV on again without finding out the News has been delayed or moved, I still have to dodge Wimbledon but I can live with that. I opened the PO on Wednesday morning ready to empathise with any crestfallen England supporters who wandered in only to find that the first three men I asked, like me, were not interested in football and had not watched the game! Neither yesterday nor today has anyone mentioned it, no glum faces, no hint of national disaster, no tantrums, nothing, there's hope for us yet.

I am lost again with things to entertain me on the magic lantern, I have binged on the shows I enjoyed and tried several new ones. I am catching up with an old series while I paint, very loosely based on the Salem witch trials, surprisingly it is OK, good enough to paint by anyway. I also took on 'Happy' a weird series about an alcoholic ex-cop, they are always ex-cops, who is visited by a little girl's imaginary friend, a blue unicorn, wait don't go! Very brutal and very surreal but surprisingly I enjoyed it. Now here comes a real recommendation, GLOW, the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, a take on something which happened back in the '80's, it is heading for the 'next big thing' on TV, mark my words. It is sharp, well acted and non PC, it's on Netflix.

The only movie I have caught up with has been Downsizing, it had promise but went right off the radar, now I know why, it is desperate. The premise is that to save the planet you can volunteer to be reduced to about four inches tall then your money lasts longer and you save the eco system etc. But would you like to spend your life with the sort of people who would do that to save trees, no, I didn't think so. There really is no point to the story and it also doesn't make any sense, before I reached for the remote I hoped someone would step on all the little people. No wonder Matt Damon goes through the whole movie with a sour face, I would have squashed him myself to put him out of his misery.

As well as my normal mapping projects, back to WWI after some 18th and 17th C jobs, I have been working with Simon Miller of 'To The Strongest' fame on a scenario for his new ECW rules, Simon has a lot of excellent ideas to support his rule sets and I hope to play a small part in them.

I am not going to get that two hours tonight, I have faffed about now for a couple of hours and am losing the will to start, maybe an hour......


  1. Pick up a brush and block in some colour on something, anything. Its a start a do some more another time. I don't set times as it makes painting feel like a chore and that doesn't work for me.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. You are quite right, managed a wash, tidied up the facing colour and laced up five guys, it is now too muggy to continue, more tomorrow!

  2. I haven't painted for a whole either. Its just too warm!

    1. I did manage an hour, but it is too muggy again, damn you Apollo!

  3. ".... visited by a little girl's imaginary friend, a blue unicorn..." Have you been at the Buckfast again, George?

    1. Lol. Many, many moons ago my wife asked my brother to get some wine as I was due back from offshore and she was cooking steaks. I wondered why the glass she offered was brown and not red, I soon found out. I and we are far more sophisticated now having gone through the Mateus Rose, Blue Nun, Black Tower and Le Piet D'Or stages although not necessarily in that order, boom!

  4. Ah. Some excellent netflix recommendations which I simply did not have the b*lls to watch until someone else recommended them. Looking forward to GLOW now.
