
Sunday 23 September 2018

Doing a Viv Nicholson

The legendary Anderson Wargame Fortune turned a corner recently so I found I have some spare shekels for wargaming stuff again so took a leave out of Mrs Nicholson's book (for non British readers or readers under a certain age Google will help). As you know I got several Charlie Foxtrot  buildings for Bolt Action along with a small Norman church from Dark Ops (still waiting for this).

Adding to this I replenished some of my paints, about half a dozen colours and got my friend Julian to pop into GW and get me Balor Brown, I am still on the lookout for something which matches the old Snakebite Leather. If he is at the club on Tuesday night I will pick it up, fingers crossed. I also jumped the gun and got some gravestones off Ebay for the upcoming churchyard, they arrived very quickly but were huge, they would have suited 54mm figures not 28mm. My own fault really as I did not look at the side pics, only the main one which did not give an idea of the size of the pieces. I have therefore ordered more headstones along with debris from Debris of War.

The new Legion.
 I also debated where to go once I finish the new buildings, I couldn't make my mind up whether to get Seven Years War artillery or cavalry so threw money at that new Legion I promised the Patrician Romans. Luckily I found enough bases and a movement tray so saved a bit of cash while I got the figures and shield transfers straight from Footsore, again a very quick turnaround, they now sit in the ready use locker waiting for some TLC.

So, I have two projects which are complete, firstly the Gardes Lorraine for my French, it was a treat to paint this unit as it is with most SYW models, lovely figures and colourful uniforms.

Also just in time for the weekend I put the finishing touches to the barn and outbuilding which I had been working on last week. I wasn't really keen to pick out all the little bricks so painted the corners, doors and windows a very dark grey, in future I will paint this stuff black, I had picked out some bricks in dark grey but after several dry brush coats they were lost, which is why I think black would have been better. Anyway I put a light grey on the walls, then a few more coats, each one lighter than the last until I was satisfied, then some green streaks to show moss/rain, especially around the bottom of the building and the cross pieces to which I also add a bit of rust. The roof, drybrushed/dabbled again lightly with greys and very light green over the red slate. The finishing touches were the barrel, pail and rubbish heap, I want to add more debris to both buildings but will have to wait until it turns up.

I have been wargaming all weekend so a couple of reports will be on their way soon.


  1. Great to see other people expanding their collections. I also have some Footsore Late Roman Heavy cavalry on the way along with Romano Brits from both Footsore ans Warlord Games (formerly Saxon miniatures).

    Looking forward to seeing your progress on this.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Only one Legion Ross, Celtae Seniores Auxilium Palatinum although they might get some skirmishers at some point as the army lacks light troops.

  2. Those Frenchies look really snazzy in their blue coats, a great finish on the buildings too. More Romans, it has to be done.

    1. The Patricians need one more Legion, another cohort will join the Thunderbolts at some point but unsure whether Legionary or Auxilia.

      Yes Phil the Gardes look snazzy.

  3. Spend, spend, spend! The wargamer’s battlecry!
    Nice work on the French and on the buildings!

  4. Loving those buildings! :o) The weathered finish is excellent - food for thought.

    1. Not difficult, but black certainly better for the edgings and odd brick. Boulangerie up next.

  5. Brilliant stuff George! The colors on the French really pop, and that building is class!
