
Sunday 2 September 2018

X Marks The Spot

Helion and Company continue to present me with all sorts of interesting projects and authors, the largest of which was thirty four maps for the third book in a series of reprints of George Nafziger's work on Napoleonic battles, the last being Leipzig. About half of the maps were strategic movements but the others were all battle maps and I really enjoyed drawing these. Helion have contacts with many authors from beyond the old 'Iron Curtain' and this shows with new books from the Russian perspective on WWII along with Hungarian and Bulgarian etc. tomes covering both world war. Other periods are receiving attention as well, especially the17th and 18th centuries.

So here are a few recent doodling's covering the last couple of months:

The city of Narva, a work in progress.




At the moment on the drawing board lie the British Army in Egypt 1801, recruitment to Haig's armies WWI and the Persian Gulf between the wars.

Quiet on the wargaming side since my hectic weekend with Matt, the 3rd Foot are almost there, I have received some buildings from Charlie Foxtrot so I am unsure whether to build these or paint the next French battalion. Probably back to the club on Tuesday and in two weeks another wargaming extravaganza with my son.


  1. You are certainly kept busy on mapping George. I’d paint the French next and fit a building in between completed figure bases, but then I don’t have to be any where or do anything!

  2. I am not used to bits here and bits there, but I am forcing myself these days. Having played the excellent BA games recently I now want to do a bit of work on WWII, and there is still those Romans and Seleucids.

  3. Do you do any work for 'Pen & Sword' George.
    This is a serious proposal as I have a couple of things published with them - but the current project will most likely need some mapping.
    Do you have a separate website for the map service?

    1. I worked with Pen and Sword's Cold War editor Chris Cocks on a few books earlier this year, they may/probably have in house cartographers not sure how they work. I do not now have a website, it brought me no work in over four years or more and Helion keep me very busy anyway. If you need help drop me a line (

  4. A varied selection of mapping there, look forward to seeing the 3rd foot and your CF bits.

    1. You never know what's coming next with the maps, WWI is a staple but the earlier wars are now proving popular. Going to try and finish the 3rd before next weekend as I am away.

  5. Splendid work! Keep it up George!
