
Wednesday 24 April 2019

All quiet on the North Western Front.

I missed out on the club last night as I was away for the weekend and I had a lot of catch up with maps etc. East Prussia is done and dusted but I am now knee deep in the pre-Battle for Berlin strategic maneuverings. Winging their way to me are maps for a two volume history of the RAF (see what I did there) which should be interesting and different, so I am now involved in histories of both the RAF and Luftwaffe, the latter being a huge project with three volumes down and no sign of WWII yet.

I digress, no club last night but I should make up for it at the weekend, I have two friends and my son coming for a series of War and Conquest games, it was supposed to be an all Dark Ages affair but we lost two players early on, so a bit of both Dark Ages and Ancients coming up. I am hoping this is a success and if so may repeat it later in the year, I can easily put four tables in the Post Office which I am closing for the morning on Saturday, executive decision, wargaming comes first.

I have received almost everything I ordered recently, paints, figures, bases, flags etc. I only await the Waffen SS figures from Offensive Miniatures who I think were away for Easter when I ordered. I have been watching videos on painting techniques recently and bought some matt medium, I used some on the Grenadiers and it really is not for that, I do intend to use it with washes and highlights in future. I have not used the highlight method to be honest relying only on washes so it will be something new on the SS, if I can reign in my impatience, I did do a lot of shading when I started my WAC armies but fell by the wayside unless it was to make my generals stand out.

The French Grenadiers, like the last British battalion are coming along only slowly, the missus has given up a couple of music nights so I can't escape to the study for long periods now apart from one night a week.

So a busy week ahead, maps, some painting, then army lists for the weekend.

Oh, I also had a lovely time with the family over the Easter period at Center Parcs, but it only goes to confirm that I really dislike people, hogging the car spaces, cycling like maniacs, pushing to the front, leaving cars overnight when told not to, but damn it the staff were in the main terrific, oh well.

In the bowling alley no one can hear you scream..............


  1. Look forward to reading and viewing your great victories in due course. Are the Russians coming yet?

    1. We will see Phil. Mmmm as for the Ruskies the memsahib has spotted my wargame spending for last month, could be a delay there.

  2. Ah, caught out by the marital accountant eh? Russians might be delayed I fear. Centre Parc, you are welcome to it!

    1. I explained that money you make on eBay if spent again is not counted, I think I got away with it, but Barbarossa will need to wait.

  3. Looking forward to those Russians! :-D
    Hope weekend goes smoothly and that you guys have heaps of fun.

    1. Thanks Matt, Normans up first, got a long history fighting Normans and it is all bad :)
