
Thursday 2 May 2019


Club night with three of us needing a game so I took along Dead Man's Hand and my Unforgiven (see movie of same name) inspired scenarios, the one I wanted to do needed four players, so I fell back on the second. The Sheriff had to get his prisoners to the train station, the Mexicans had arrived to collect the whore's ransom by killing said prisoners while their mates, the Cowboys, had to rescue them.

I was the Cowboys while Simon took the Law and Andy chose the Mexicans, usually my bunch but it would be interesting to see if they fought better for someone else. Simon set off along the left hand side of Main Street, the Mexicans continued to hang about the Aces High Saloon while my cowhands made some moves towards the station end of Main Street from Halloran's Bar. As one of my boys peered from the window of Halloran's a shot hit the wall, it was fired from the Aces High, damn Mexicans.

Sleepy town.
The posse moves up.

As the Law advanced a large firefight erupted in the alley between the Aces High and Rogan's Bar (seems to be a lot of bars in this town). With the Law tied up with the Mexicans I moved my guys into Main Street and started blasting whoever was closest with the intention of sneaking up on the rear of the posse and freeing my compadres. Despite all the lead flying about there was not a lot of bodies lying around. Two Mex's had moved into Rogans Bar dodging shotgun pellets and taking out a deputy, I now moved up to the windows and began a long firefight with the Mexican who had remained behind, bottles smashed, mirrors broke, tables were upturned and lead flew but it took forever to clear the bar. While this was going on the rest of the posse began to make their mark as more of Andy's men hit the dirt.

I move into Main Street.
Firefight in the alley.

Time was called, it had been good fun but Andy had almost been wiped out, Simon and I had only lost one man so far, despite Simon's protestations that he would get his prisoners away (the train could have been late and my men stood commanding Main Street) it was only fair to say the Mexicans lost (again). Again a win for this simple but enjoyable game.

I have now received my Waffen SS from Offensive Miniatures and I am more than pleased with them, lovely figures. I have now finished the Grenadiers de France and will base them over the weekend as I have to make a trip to Scotland tomorrow, I like these as well. Her indoors is a bit alarmed about the many packages that have arrived over the past two months so nothing new will be on the horizon until maybe June, by which time I shall receive the new D-Day book from Warlord, possibly some new kits from Rubicon and maybe some Galatians from Aventine. Besides, I have more than enough to keep me going till June.


  1. Why is it that no matter which rules one uses, Wild West games never fail to deliver a fun and satisfying game?
    Galatians, you do know what's coming next?

    1. For wargamers of a certain age I think Phil. Galatians are simply a mercenary unit for the Seleucids, real Galatians and not Gauls pretending to be Galatians, great.

  2. Looks and sounds like a crackin game George!

  3. Enough? What kind of Wargamer says that? Good to see the Old West in action again. I must dust mine off I think Phil.

    1. The kind whose wife is checking the mail. As above, the cowboys always give a good game.

  4. Ooh that does look like heaps of fun!

  5. Great stuff George! Always enjoy when you and club throw the old west on the table 😀
