
Sunday 9 June 2019

Lucky Me

I have been going through a nostalgic phase recently re my Royal Navy service, Facebook groups, buying RN radio operator polo shirts and wearing my small enamel badge every day, well almost everyday unless I am wearing an expensive shirt. I have managed to contact a few guys I sailed and drank with and some I actually joined up with back in '68. Tuesday 8th of October to be precise, 1000hrs, Hawke 412 Class, D110948Y sir! OK so I cannot remember whether it is the grey bins or the green bins, but some things you never forget.

I mentioned a long time ago a set of prints following the Royal Navy from medieval times until 1900, these hung in the meeting room of the company my son works for. A few weeks ago I got a surprise phonecall from Stewart saying that if I wanted the complete set of prints (7) I could have them. These belonged to one of the owners, Mike Irwin and not the company, Mike very kindly offered them to me knowing my interest in all things military/naval and no doubt knowing I was ex-RN. The originals were hand drawn by a local architect, Harold R. Dick and are quite superb and must have been a labour of love, they are unique and a joy for me to own.

When the Post Office is closed I have the green light to turn it into a wargame room, simply avery large space with a big table or maybe two and all my toys in the one place, these prints along with my ACW prints and several others will adorn the walls.

So I have had a real red letter day, I got the prints and on the way home picked up some Wild Boar Pate, Hare Pate, Rabbit pie, liquorice wheels, Bombay Mix and some strange crisps, and guess what, the sun is shining. Nearly forgot, Barr's American Cream Soda, mmmmmm.


  1. A splendid gift indeed, you must be most chuffed.

    1. I am indeed Phil and very appreciative. Now I can't wait to close the PO :)

  2. D110948Y? So now it's official - you are an old git!

    1. Unlike when you joined Jeremy, no need for official numbers the three of you knew each other :)

  3. Very fine additions to the future Fleet HQ.

    1. Definitely David but sadly I still need the PO due to the theft of my wifes pension.

  4. The prints look superb, a fantastic gift, will you be showing pictures of these in a size I can steal and read?

    Wild boar pate, hare pate, rabbit pie - you live high on the hog in your neck of the woods.

    1. The prints are now safely stowed away to await the big closing whenever that will be. The rabbit pie turned out to be tough, the strange crisps (duck and wild boar) so so. I should never go near farm shops, everything promises so much then fails to deliver, I never learn.

    2. Life is full of disappointment;)

  5. That's really neat George, can't wait to see them mounted on the wall 🙂

    1. Going to be a while Ivor unless the PO close me down sooner than I expect.

  6. Barr's American cream soda! Oh George my late Gran used to have that waiting at her home on Drymen Road, Balloch (the Loch Lomond one) whenever we visited. Creamy and frothy perfection! We moved to England when I was 8 and our travels back home, twice a year usually, were always started with Grans mince, peas and Ayrshire potatoes (they were rolled in oats apparently because they were a damp potato), the oat coating then browned in the pan with butter! Happy days! I did a wee Pegasus Bridge Rapid Fire solo game on D-Day and listened to an unplanned steam train hurtling through Hellifield out the war room window! A good day indeed!

    1. Was tempted to get some Ayrshires in Glasgow a week or so ago, but the price was just silly for a tattie. Cream soda with vanilla ice cream, as you say, happy days.
