
Thursday 1 August 2019

Martlet moves on.

Stuart came along today to continue our 'Operation Martlet' campaign, he had to be careful as the village main road is being resurfaced and there is a blanket of tar encrusted gravel over everything, I am willing to bet money that this will no sooner be complete than it will be dug up in the next few months for broadband cables, water leaks, electricity problems or simply just to use up the budget before someone claws it back.

Anyway, Stuart arrived safely and we got on with campaign turn five. Previously the Royal Scot's Fusiliers had taken most of the day (25th June) to oust the tough defenders from the outskirts of Fontenay, by 2000 hrs the Jocks were knocking at the door of the village itself. For this game I took an extra squad, a Sherman, a 3" mortar and a 2" mortar, I also asked HQ for replacements, with all my squads back up to full strength I was feeling confident, there was a lot of terrain and possibly no German tanks. Stuart did not bring a tank to the party but beefed up his squads instead, he also took an Adjutant to help his troops get on the table.

Things went awry for Stuart from the beginning, the British barrage played havoc with his arriving troops and he only got half of them on the table, not before I however had got myself into a forward position with good fields of fire. I quickly managed to pin or destroy the Germans opposite me and once my tank appeared and added its fire Stuart wisely decided to withdraw. A great result for me which did not require a huge effort, I was very pleased as night fell. We decided against playing another campaign turn as we did not want to have to stop with it half done so we rolled up an attack/defence scenario from the main rule book. Oh, the results of the win means my officer is still full of himself but the troops remain to be convinced although they have relented a tad, I am however running out of time.

We did not roll for a lot of support points for the second game, I could have brought in a Sherman as I knew Stuart was not going to get a tank, I compromised and brought in my little M5 Stuart, it has never been in a battle yet and with its new sandbag armour I thought, why not. I did better than Stuart with the patrol phase, a sheer accident, and I managed to get my troops into really good positions before the game got off the ground. Although the defender Stuart took an aggressive stance and moved his infantry forward, I got the drop on one squad on the road in the open and my little tank hit them hard, I was hoping this would continue. It was not to be as a panzerschreck team popped up and stopped my tank dead, that is a deadly weapon in this game, it was the good one and hit at the end of its range rather than the short range useless one.

Stuart then threw caution to the wind and hurled a squad into close combat, I thought Bolt Action was deadly but this is worse, I wiped out the attackers while suffering six losses myself, we both lost leaders. Things went from bad to worse for Stuart, his Senior leader was out on a limb and we got him as well. I now began to manouever against his surviving squads and at that we called a halt, another win for the boys, have I broken my miserable streak of losses and draws?

Again two good, enjoyable games so I am not tempted to give up with CoC as I did before. It is still early days but I am looking forward to doing a few more stand alone scenarios with possibly more support options to use up bits and pieces of my collection.


  1. Seems you played a couple of blinders there George, don't expect my losing streak any time soon. Nasty things those panzerschrecks, aptly named.

    1. Stuart was heavily outnumbered in the campaign game and threw horrible dice to enter. I think I just wandered into a decent position in the second, but it breaks the curse Phil.

  2. Well done George! Glad you both had fun.

    1. Looking forward to playing some more now Matt.

  3. Some very nice bits and pieces, the stowage on the Sherman looks pretty spiffy, although i doubt the bucket and crates would stay in place too long :) but the best was the armchair in the 6th photo. I don't suppose you remember who made it?
    You've made a nice job of the mdf buildings much better than the normal build em and plonk them down variety youve hidden the finger joints quite effectivly in these pictures.

    I see what you mean with the light in the smoke, it works well.

    1. The chairs, sofa and mattress' came from Debris of War, I just got a load of accessories from them for more stowage. I still want to get the piano which every French house seemed to have in WWII movies.

  4. Looks like a great couple of games...I take it you're a CoC convert now George?

    1. Yes, I am quite happy with the rules now Alastair, looking forward to setting up more games.

  5. Good to see your fortunes changing, at least for now...
