
Monday 25 November 2019

Nelly the Elefant.

The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle for, hopefully, my upcoming campaign was a Jagdpanzer IV L70A, my knowledge of tanks etc. has jumped quite considerably in the past few months and I can now tell the difference between the Jagdpanzer IV L48, L70 and L70A for instance. As of this moment in time you cannot get an L70A in 1/56 so I settled for the L70 the difference being that the former had a larger fighting compartment fitted, much like some of the heavier Jagdpanzers. Anyway I noticed in the Warlord Black Friday sale that I could get some great prices on resin kits and jumped straight in giving myself an early birthday present from my oldest son, I let him know once the order was in, I saved him £16 which was a bargain.

I was never a fan of the Jagdpanzer IV, it just looked like a squat box, which of course it just about is, but once I had the model in my hand it looked quite nice. Very simple to put together, nicely molded with only one drawback, there was what looked at first to me as an extension to the front plate armour. It was only once I had primed and base coated the tank that I looked a bit closer at photographs. It shouldn't have been there so I had to cut it off, very strange.

The second kit was simply for pleasure, the huge Jagdpanzer Elefant, again this went together without any problems whatsoever and it does look good, big, chunky and dangerous although in hindsight a hideously waste of time and effort.

Both tanks got the usual base coat of Dark Sand, although I found quite a few nice paint schemes online I simply went for something easy, the smaller got a sponge dab with green and I left the larger one alone with only the base coat. A few decals and then some weathering finished both of them, I really like the way they have turned out especially the Elefant, seemingly this gun was known on occasion to knock out enemy tanks at up to 4000 meters, although 2000 was more normal. I should be able to knock out my opponents vehicles before they leave the house.


  1. Nice paint jobs there George, knocking it out is one thing, hitting it?

    1. Yes, hitting is the problem, especially the way my armour fights. Cheers Phil.

  2. Superb work.
    That JgPzIV looks fantastic, I agree; was never a fan of the shape, but a great pic.

    1. Thanks Darren, these are the last for the time being.

  3. Both models look fantastic! The side skirts do lend a bit of boxiness to the model but I like it.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, pity you can't get the A model with the larger compartment, that looks nice. But this turned out better than I thought.

  4. Very nice but far too powerful really given the scale of games, but you do like your kit don't you?

    1. I have been enjoying building and painting the kits recently. I can see it being used as an objective, or part of a rescue scenario, need to get the rest on the table first.
