
Saturday 2 November 2019

Russischer Panzer!

Nice quiet Saturday morning so I got a couple of maps done, just some odds and ends, the first customer this morning turned up just as I got downstairs with a cup of coffee, you could bet your house on it. So, I put together the Rubicon packs which I am turning into Jump Off Points for Chain of Command, Rommel, Guderian, Zhukov and Timoshenko, Guderian is metal and the others plastic, nice but slim, I prefer chunky figures but they will do for JOPs. A nice touch with Guderian and his mate is that Rubicon put in two coloured maps  in the pack which you can either use as is or paste them atop the metal one which sits over the oil barrels, this saves viewers seeing the usual wargame efforts which to be honest are generally pretty bad, I have been guilty of this myself.

The T34 builds, one 76 and the other an 85 are very simple, I reckon they went up in an hour. You get a choice of different wheels with the kits, steel or rubber and what looks like maybe road wheels with the 76, I am unsure because nowhere does it state this. I would have liked a commander with the 85, not really possible with the large hatch on the 76, I would also have liked some some towing cables, now a quick look shows a lot of these tanks without towing cables but I just think they would have broke up the plain sides a bit. No matter, I would always go for a Rubicon kit first before anything else.

I have decided to be lazy with these tanks, for the first time I am going to use a spray can, Army Painter Army Green, this will be sprayed over a grey undercoat and then washed and weathered. I expect the paint next week some time. The Soviets also do not seem to have gone in for loading everything but the kitchen sink onto their tanks or using camouflage, unless it was white paint.

I was expecting to get some tank commanders from Rubicon after the great wargame survey so hopefully they will arrive at some point soon as they were supposed to be out last month, anyone got them yet?

So there we go, no patience wins out again although I am back to the Volkssturm next.


  1. No point hanging about George, forward! Must admit they do look a little bare on the sides, but on the bright side less to paint.

    1. Funnily enough the 76 turret looks small and the 85 too big. More soon.

  2. PS. Not received mine yet, I do recall a note on the web that there had been a delay though.

  3. More Rubicon goodness! Love the Guderian diorama, can't wait to see you get that finished 🙂

    1. Guderian will look like he is on a diet next to the Artizan figures.

  4. They will make nice additions I'm sure. You are right about wargames figures holding maps though! A nightmare!

    1. I think I have an ACW command set where the roads must be six inches wide :)

  5. Thos tank kits do look temptingly good ;o)

    1. They do look imposing, hoping the green spray turns up today or tomorrow.
