
Monday 11 November 2019

The Steamroller keeps coming.

Just back from a night on the town in Glasgow with my two boys and a couple of nephews, kick off was 1300 hrs and I retired exhausted at 2200 hrs. Overcrowded pubs, huge TV's (with no sound and everyone ignoring them), a fight to get to the bar only to be ignored half the time. Although I was only drinking 0% I gave up at some point as I could not physically drink any more. Getting too old for this now. Despite this I had a great night as my boys are good company.

Got back and immediately picked up from where I had left off, I finished weathering my new SU-122 and based the assault engineers, not sure when the new and possibly last order (for now) from Warlord will turn up so the only thing on the tray are three new Jump Off Points for Chain of Command, two German, one Russian and the SU-76 crew.

 I have started reading one of my eastern front books, all of which I drew the maps for, this one concentrates on the battle for Vienna which turned out to be the graveyard of many Waffen-SS divisions among others, the author has managed to research the fine details about the units involved their combat strengths and the vehicles used. Divisions on the Fuehrer's maps in Berlin are no more than battle groups at the front. The author has not so far carried this over to the Russians but I have only just started the book and I hope this will follow. I want ideas for scenarios.

Although I have nothing to paint at the moment I will not be slacking, I have had a new map project in and have 30 to draw along with what is already being worked on. Here are some from the past few months.

Club night tomorrow and I have a Chain of Command game with Dave from Morecambe who I got in touch with on the Too Fat Lardies forum so looking forward to that.


  1. Nicely done Ivans and some fine looking maps, very informative looking without seeing the text. I shall look forward to reading more of your fun with CoC.

    1. Thanks Phil, have to organise the campaign now, which might be difficult with Christmas coming up and all that entails.

  2. Great work on your SU122 and superb maps. What software do you use in creating such handsome and clean maps?

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I use Adobe Illustrator for the maps, I would like to do more artwork but too busy with maps.

  3. The SU122 look excellent George.

    1. I really enjoy painting these little kits, three more Russians on the way and one German. Better start playing shortly.

  4. Your maps are outstanding - any chance of a post sometime that covers the whole commissioning process?

    1. Thanks Jeremy, I will give it some thought and try and make it interesing.

  5. Grand maps! The tank thingie is ok too, but bit out of period for the SYW...😉

    1. Thanks David, quite chuffed with the tank. SYW baton will have to wait until 2020 now, I'm skint.
