
Friday 17 April 2020

More stuff!

I don't know about you but it seems that this lockdown is giving me an upsurge in my wargaming and all things related.

First up was my buying of a whole industrial complex in 28mm, I mentioned before a local gave me a very impressive model of a mine head, the thing with the big wheels on it. I really don't need it but with having to stay in I jumped at a bundle from Sarissa to give me a whole park, I have built them all but the painting has been put to the side for now although I did get started on the mine head.

Friend Stuart from the club has a 3D printer and turns out some nice pieces of all kinds, gaming aids, buildings and such all of his own design. With the upcoming Victory at Sea from Warlord he has turned his talents to WWII ships. He sent me a model of the Graf Spee to build and give my thoughts on it, the model looks a bit strange at first as it is still on a trellis from the printing and you have to be very careful to cut it off as many parts are very delicate. Even so I managed it all apart from a part of the mast on the funnel and I think that was my fault as I did not recognise it as such, I do now. This is a beautiful model and the detail superb, the Arado seaplane was damaged in the battle and you get a choice damaged or undamaged! Stewart offered me Ajax, Achilles and Exeter but I do not want to start a new period.

I picked up another couple of Ben Kane's books dealing with Rome and Macedon, I loved the trilogy set around the massacre of Varus' legions but could not get into the books on Crassus and Carrhae, so took a chance with the new ones, much better. I also just found some stuff on YouTube where he and two other historical authors walked in Roman armour from Capua to Rome for charity, pleasant entertainment. I also caught a lecture he done on Varus, again excellent, an hour later I have the germ of an idea about getting a Germanic army to fight the Twelfth, so the Thunderbolts were in the East, so what.

Her indoors has got me power washing in the garden, not a happy bunny but the sooner I get it over the sooner I can get back to the good stuff, trouble is it is a three afternoon job, one to go.

I also bought some Assault Group Russians, very nice, I got some extra SMG's and four guys with the SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle as there was usually at least one in a squad, these are cleaned and based waiting to be primed.

On the tray for now are my six SYW generals, I have started the horses and once this power washing nonsense is over I will spend more time on them, then the Russians above, then the buildings. I have also thought of several other little bits and pieces that I can get on with after that. So in a month or so I should be getting to the ordering stage for several more SYW battalions.

For now I am doing quite a bit of solo gaming, taking my time so each game is over two or three days, at the moment the Germans are having their second go at taking the village of Moditten, this may have to wait though until tomorrow or tonight.......... yes dear, coming.


  1. Ships are superb - I must get this 3d printer going.
    Great looking table shot. That bloke at the end even looks happy !

    1. Stuart really does design lovely stuff. Always happy reviewing the troops.

  2. The 3D ship looks good! As for wargaming activities during the lockdown, my hobby time has actually DECREASED. I remain in the workforce and with my wife less active in the REAL WORLD, many evenings are spent combating her boredom. I have suggested painting figures or gaming. She is not interested.

    1. I have finished the power washing so the Memsahib is on her own for a few days until the next job.

  3. You are being ultra productive George, that pit head looks quite spectacular. I still marvel at this 3D printing malarkey there is great stuff being produced all the time. Thunderbolts, your the Emperor send them were you like, I don't get too precious where ancients are concerned, did you know that there were remnants of the Quinta Macedonica in post Roman Britain😉 look forward to reading of your latest solo outing.

    1. It is certainly the way forward for our hobby and many other things, I don't think it will do away with wargame figures for a while but it may happen eventually. I didn't know about Quinta Macedonica being in Britain. The Germans are going to have to go all out to get the village this time.

    2. Ah, the wink doesn't show up then.

  4. Busy, busy! Keep going, the SYW needs more chaps!
