
Monday 27 April 2020

Tough Nut

Generalmajor Rolf Lippert is under pressure to take Gardenstadt Metgethen as quickly as possible, his troops of Panzergrenadier Regiment 13 have been rebuffed once and time is of the essence.

Matt has chosen more armour this time for his attack along with buffing up his infantry contingent, his remaining grenadiers have been supplemented by two infantry squads supported by a StuG III, a Jagdpanzer IV and another pre-game barrage. The Russians still have their T34/85, three infantry squads and an MMG.

This time around the barrage is ineffective and before long the Russians have their defence line settled and the T34 sitting waiting, the German commander has decided to get his armour into the town first then back his tanks up with infantry. The wily Soviets have spent the night laying mines at the opposite end of town thus denying the road to the panzers. Both German tanks arrive fairly quickly and both take shots at the T34 which replies in kind, none of the vehicles suffer from these exchanges, the StuG eventually moves into the woods while the Jagdpanzer doggedly tries to wound the T34. The German commander is becoming frustrated and starts to deploy his infantry and move slowly along both flanks.

The tank duel ends with the Jagdpanzer blowing up, this dismays the Germans but they push forward nonetheless taking advantage of as much cover as they can. The panzerschreck team are also slowly working themselves forward hoping to get a shot off as the Russians concentrate on the approaching infantry. On the German left a squad manages to get close to the Blue House, a flurry of grenades hit the house as the infantry close for hand to hand combat. A desperate fight ensues with the Germans gaining the upper hand but the obstinate Russians fight back and turn the tide, sending the Nazi's running, the reserve platoon turns up and turns the withdrawal into a rout.

On the right flank the Germans now begin to turn the tide, the StuG and a nearby squad cause the Russians to abandon the large barn and they quickly break them, the T34 moves to fire at the StuG but is hit by a panzerfaust and is forced to withdraw. The StuG commander see's an opportunity and moves cautiously forward but the assault gun is hit and the commander wounded, nonetheless it gets off a shot and again causes the T34 to back off. It looks like the Russian left is about to fold and the Soviets begin to send their reserve over from the right flank. The T34 recovers and again looses a shot at the StuG, this time the assault gun explodes. In desperation the Panzerschreck team bolts across the road to get into a firing position but the waiting Russians in the Mayors house open up and wipe out the unlucky lads. With only two panzerfausts left just behind the front line the German commander reluctantly orders a withdrawal. Lippert's superiors are not pleased while the Russians rally more troops to blunt the offensive.

If anyone has this campaign and is wondering about the support points, I am using the points given in the second version and adding a couple, I made a conscious effort to get all the support options for this campaign and using the points values from the original campaign you would never get to use them. Also if troops are held up I am giving them more for the second or third try, the Germans however may have to scrape the barrel the more they are held up, Volksturm, Hitler Youth etc.

I managed to finish my Seven Year War generals and commanders, the two larger command stands have horse drummers kindly sent to me free gratis by David at Tales from GHQ which were just perfect to differentiate them from brigade commanders. I now need more troops so that they can earn their pay. Friend Rob gave me a nice Perry highlander as a little gift for my birthday some time ago and he fits in well with Front Rank, so I am toying with getting enough for a couple of battalions. You really need the kilty cauld bums for a British army.

I see Blogger has managed to cock up quite a few posts and a lot of photographs have disappeared which has a detrimental effect on the posts, I do hope this has now been sorted.

Having kept away from sport all my life, apart from the old England vs Scotland football games, I am now addicted to Netflix's Drive to Survive about Formula 1 racing of all things, so much so I have ordered a biography of Bernie Ecclestone! Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooow.


  1. Splendid SYW figures, I'm glad the drummers were useful in the end.

  2. An interesting set to there, a bit of nip and tuck in both sides. Glad to see your SYW collection moving forward.

    1. Again I have to say it was a good game and again the Germans got pipped right at the end.

  3. George, your CoC tables are always inspirational. Unfortunately, the situation was not enough for the Germans to pull off a victory.

    Your new SYW recruits are splendid and thanks for the Netflix recommendation on F1 racing. Something of interest for me to add into the queue.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I expect the Germans will go all out for the next assault. I cannot recommend the programme highly enough, I was actually on the edge of my seat during Season 1. And as someone who has no interest whatever in sport that is saying something, although the whole drama of the F1 world makes it a riveting watch.

  4. Well... what can I say? A Jagdpanzer and a Stug beaten by a pesky T34. I currently have a crack team of scientists modifying a V2 rocket which will be heading for Russian lines very soon, lol!
    I'm glad this is proving to be an entertaining scenario :o)
    But... F1? Seriously? :-D

    1. That crew are being considered for Heroes of the Soviet Union. Yes, F1, I feel like a traitor to myself, but it is one of the best things I have seen for ages.

    2. I got the book on Ecclestone today and already it is holding me.
