
Saturday 27 June 2020

The New Normal

No such thing, once again a week goes by where you need lawyers to work out who you can see or cannot see, whether you can get a haircut within shooting distance of an actual hairdresser and Elf 'n' Safety put out a 43 page tome on how to get a pint in a pub, and don't get me started on the other stuff.

No games at all this week, and at the beginning I finished off a little limber and it's handler for the Seven Years War, a grey blue limber so he will be British, I did want to put a rider on the horse but ordered the wrong horse, I don't think he would fit anyway as his legs would prevent the poles going along properly. With this complete I was left once again with nothing in the bottom of the barrel, I had ordered up a couple of buildings but was not sure when they would turn up. So, like a true wargamer I ordered up more guys I do not need. I decided on British paratroops as they would do for Normandy and the upcoming Lardy special on Arnhem so I got a full platoon and some supports from Artizan, they will be here next week.

While ordering the paratroops I also bit the bullet and got a railway station, a must really as mate Matt had given me a railway signal, it arrived yesterday. On Thursday my Russian Church turned up, I just thought it would complete my little village. The instructions I found a bit challenging, I glued pieces as shown only to turn the page and find I shouldn't have and now had a problem fitting parts in, yes I should have taken more care but I plunge ahead with MDF kits as if they are from Ikea. Another small bugbear is that the roof and other parts are very delicate and it would seem the laser sometimes went completely through and this caused me to have to glue pieces before I could glue them to the building, not many but a few. Now the good news, it is a very clever and beautiful kit, faithfully representing a wooden Russian village church, I am tempted go get some other buildings but having a complete village already I really cannot give in. My attempt I think is nice but I am sure someone with better modelling skills and more patience could really make this kit pop.

My son called me up as he has just finished painting and organising his study, he knows I have several military prints in storage at the moment because I do not have room for them all now that the Memsahib has banned them from the dining room so wondered if he could have a loan. My eventual plan is that they will all go up in my wargame room when I close the Post Office, so once he signs the papers he can have a couple. He reminded me he also has some ink drawings I did a long time ago which I had forgot I loaned in the mists of time, they too will have to come back.

I have completed my first map commission since the lockdown started, maps for the rebellions against Henry VIII in the West Country, nothing fancy but a start, I may be back on to the AWI atlas next month as well.

The Post Office is not busy at all at the moment, locals still have not grasped that I am open again in the afternoons so it is a long day, the missus has not deigned to do her bit yet and if she is happy in the garden then I shall suffer for her for a week or so yet, no, please, it's nothing. I may therefore get back to some solo gaming on a Thursday afternoon until some brave soul ventures into my den.


  1. Some lovely work there.
    I can never quite get that blue grey artillery colour correct - what shade do you use for it?
    The prints also lovely - reminds me that I have some re-basing to finish for my ACW 20mm Volley & Bayonet game (before the flags get banned), and very much looking forward to seeing the AWI maps in print.

    1. Thanks. I went for Vallejo Grey Blue 943, my colour wasn't different enough from the French and I didn't want to mix every time. The Atlas is not due for print until next year, still about 70 maps to complete, Covid might have knocked that back further.

  2. On the pandemic front, we are seeing a bit of a relapse here and rules are tightening up once again.

    Lovely work on the church and your illustrations exquisite.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, only drawing I have done since then is some stuff for the grandkids and maps.

  3. I have forgot what normal is. Neat little carty thing and the church looks ace with a nice finish to boot. I also like the ink drawings.

    1. Thanks Phil, I now prime the buildings then give them a coloured wash (if they are wood)which seems to work well, quite chuffed with the church.

  4. A reasonably productive week on the wargaming front. The Front Rank limber and driver looks great as does the church. I've steered away from MDF building but might give them a go now. The ink drawing are fantastic - have you every thought of reproducing and selling them? Cheers Greg

    1. There are many good MDF kits on the market and many are easy to 'upgrade' if you have the talent. The church kit is a beauty and one of the best I have ever seen. The drawings I took from woodcuts and although I suspect the copyright is over I only did those for myself and a couple for friends and family. And anyway, the Legendary Map Fortune keeps me in soldiers.

  5. A good job on the SYW limber. The church isn't bad either😉 But, more WWII purchases...?

    1. Very pleased with the church. WWII seems like a virus for me at the moment, can't get away from it. Hungarians hhhhmmmmm :)

  6. That church is really lovely!

    1. It really is Alastair as is the rest of the village, but I must resist.

  7. I happen to have a pen and ink that George did for me 40+ years ago. Still hanging in my hobby room......

    1. I remember that, Confederate Sharpshooter, one of my best.
