
Saturday 1 August 2020

Covid Blues

Yep, after five months the virus has worn me down, the weekly and now daily changes in the rules, which for the most part do not make sense, have me retreating into my cave, actually my study but you get the idea. I gave my TV licence back and am now making a concerted effort to block out completely the outside world, obviously I will keep up with the really important stuff like the spate between Johnny Depp and his horrendous missus and Hal and Meg, but the rest, nah.

We had our club Zoom the other day and as always it was a pleasure, it is only an hour and a half but it is a real morale booster. The bad news is that we could be in for a long wait to get together as the club meets in a school, I might have mentioned this before, I forgot a guys name this morning whom I have known for 20 years almost. I have therefore had to resign myself to in the main becoming a solo wargamer for the next six months or so.

Before you reach for your person sized tissues I have just received more defenders for Berlin, a Kreigsmarine squad from Warlord, very nice figures, I would have preferred most to have had naval uniforms but of course Warlord are not chained to history hence U-Boat crews are in there. I got them on Thursday and would normally have had them complete by Thursday night but here we are on Saturday and I have not went near them, perhaps my patience is coming back.

I have completed the Paras, the full three squads and supports, I managed this in around three weeks so perhaps I deserve a rest as I still have to build Berlin. I am looking at starting the Chain of Command pint sized campaign featuring the Paras vs 21st Panzer Division at Le Bas de Ranville in Normandy, "Kampfgruppe von Luck". Mate Matt will play Hans von Luck and will choose supports and give operational orders while I will fight the games solo. I hope to kick this off after the weekend.


We are now down to one granddaughter and as she is interested in history we are going to Hadrian's Wall tomorrow, the fort at Vindolanda to be precise. We had to book a time slot due to the present unpleasantness, god knows what the rules on masks or social distancing are while walking around a large Roman fort. The Picts making bookings for their raids on the wall keeps jumping into my mind. Quick boys, we only have twenty minutes left, Jimmy, Sandy keep your distance, too close!

Have you seen Tom Hanks' new movie yet, I settled down one evening when the missus was out, crisps and cider at the ready, oh dear. The movie deals with a convoy enroute to Blighty with a mixed escort of British, Canadians and Americans, Tom is in charge. I was prepared to accept the usual Hollywood view of history but when Tom stopped his escort twice during U-Boat attacks they were asking too much. Having kept watches on a warships bridge I wondered why Tom seemed to be followed everywhere by a steward with a silver tray serving what seemed to be Michelin quality food, in bad weather we got sandwiches and tea, from the skipper down. The last time I saw the Germans portrayed as such cartoon characters was when Captain Hurricane and Maggot Malone beat them up every week in the Valiant. There is more nonsense but really don't bother, check out The Cruel Sea instead.

 I have just completed the latest map project, "Target Saigon 2" as the title suggests I have already drawn for several other books for this author on Vietnam. I have more atlas maps and although it is early days if this keeps up the artwork should be ready on time.

  Now, did I post this already?


  1. G'Day George, Chin up old boy - it could be worse. At least with giving up TV you will have a lot more time for wargaming. In Oz we don't have to pay for a TV license but the content is utter rubbish. Stick to DVD's and podcasts! Cheers Greg p.s. best wishes for your solo campaign it sounds interesting.

    1. I think the worst is yet to come Greg when the magic money tree dies. I haven't given up with TV, only the BBC.

  2. George! Where I get my Netflix recommendations if you have given up TV? Thanks for the warning on Greyhound. We saw the trailers and thought it looked promising. Good looking maps!

    1. Worry not Jonathan the licence only covers the BBC (Biased Broadcasting Company) I am desperately trying to find something to keep my rep up. I too thought it looked good but sadly a missed opportunity. I was also under the impression that you couldn't fire a torpedo in rough seas, but hey what do I know after eleven and a half years before the mast :)

  3. Thank you for saving me from "Greyhound" - it's been getting loads of free publicity on various history sites and I was almost tempted. Thought it was "Herrings In" and cocoa shaved off a big block in your days on (open) bridges?

    1. Oh I haven't mentioned half the rubbish and the insanity of the big fight is mind numbing. "Herrings in" what a memory, big tins of Pilchards sloshed into a tray, three loaves and one lump of butter with the knife stuck into it, mmmmmmmm.

  4. Well those Germans aren't going to be much good, some of them are sunk already🙂 I look forward to following your Von Luck campaign in due course. Neat looking maps there too George.

    1. Thanks Phil, never be as good as the RN, the old one.

  5. Chin up that man! Your Paras look really good. Now is not the time to falter or focus on the down side, set to on more SYW units!

    1. Thanks David, at least four more battalions at some point but not this month.
