
Saturday 5 September 2020

Interesting week

The week started off well with the weather being very nice indeed, I don't know where the weathermen got the idea we would be freezing but they have not explained it so far and no doubt never will. The only job where you can be wrong every day and still get paid at the end of the month, oh no wait, politicians.

Anyway I took advantage of the nice weather to pop up to Duncan's for a coffee, I found him beavering away in his huge man cave full of vehicles, he has built an extension to house two new jeeps, he wanted to show me the Flak 38 in the open rather than a quick look under the tarpaulin. First up the German built Ford truck would not move, so we changed three batteries, I say we, I watched, Duncan got to the bottom of it and it was something to do with the dilithium crystals and the ION drive, or some such thing which my non mechanical brain could not compute, anyway I gingerly held back a piece of pipe for him. Once he had fixed the pipe thing he worked out that perhaps there was no fuel in the tank, gallons later the thing sputtered into life, success!

We drove the truck out into an open space and I climbed up into the back, WWII stuff was not built with comfort in mind. So, with a huge smile on my face I settled into the gunners position and swung the gun around and up and down, oh how I would have loved to have fired it, in my mind I got at least two Jabos. What a great way to spend a morning.

I have packed away the WWII table for now and decided on something different for a change so I have set up a Seven Years War engagement based very loosely on a scenario I found online. I am using Honours of War again for the second time, I made some mistakes the first time around but enjoyed the game nonetheless, so I hope to learn more this time. I should have used two battle mats but didn't and it's too late to change the terrain now. I hope to get some moves done this weekend.

A guy came in this morning and asked about the display, he said he was an ex Royal Machine, sorry, Marine, now this is where the scary part comes in. I told him I was exRN and he said he used to work with submarines on exercises, swimming to and from them. I then told him I had just recounted a story to a customer the day before about the time we had to go and search for a body (we were a minehunter and had a big sonar) in the River Clyde of a guy who had not made it ashore from an underwater exercise. It turned out he knew the poor bloke, and we did find him.

We had to go to Sheffield this week to pick up our new car, Covid struck again as the sales girl, or person or whatever could not enter the car with us to show us the controls, so we drove back using kilometers and on European time, getting back an hour before we left. I spent an hour that evening on Youtube learning how to use the Starship Enterprise dashboard, oh and it talks to you, so I now have the missus, Alexa and Hi Mercedes giving me gyp, I can however say 'shut up' to two of them.


I have not managed to get any painting done this week, the Paras are primed and ready to go and the Prussians stare up at me and whisper 'October, October' from their bag. I did take some time out to make my terrain easier to get at and sort all my WWII vehicles to make better use of the Really Useful Boxes. I also have a map commission which is going to take a lot of work, not what I am used to but a nice challenge.

Books are a lending library, but I'll get those shelves as well.


  1. Oh, you are a lucky man! Flak gunner, shiny new Mercedes, and an HoW game on the table. Life is good!

    1. My cup it runneth over Jonathan, for now anyway :)

  2. A fine week there George, capped off with getting your SYW troops on the table. Look forward to reading of their exploits.

    1. Not bad Phil, gaming tomorrow probably, feeling very lazy today.

  3. Your mate Duncan has some cool toys. The British / French SYW game looks great - Front Rank figures?. My SYW armies are eastern front - Prussian / Austrian / Russian. Having committed to doing a Portuguese Brigade in the near future I will need to get some British & French not sure whether to get Crusader or Front Rank. Any recommendations?

    1. He does indeed, I really want to get a good look at the halftrack at some point as it is squashed in the large shed at the moment. I have seen Crusader stuff and it looks nice, I may even get some eventually, my own figures are all Front Rank. I wanted an army carrying Union flags and with red coats hence SYW.

    2. Oh, I did use Perry Highlanders, and they fit just fine.

  4. Good to see you enjoying yourself, and to see the eye getting a run out again

    1. It was a rather good week David, and I was puzzled by 'eye', ordering up flags for two more battalions today, not sure when the figures will be got but it is a start.

  5. You look quite at home on the gun George!
