
Saturday 16 January 2021


 I have changed my mind again, I am not doing a French early war army for WWII, instead I decided to add more Germans and cover the Eastern Front from 1941 to 1945. My forces at the moment are perfect for 1944/45 so a bit of work to be done, I have ordered a full platoon and an extra squad along with all the supports, mortars, MMG's, anti-tank rifles etc. from Crusader Miniatures. they were offering 20% off so I really had to get them now in order to save money. I am no expert but I think my Russian infantry will fit well from '41 until '45, just in case I need more I have pre-ordered two squads from Warlord, NKVD and Airborne due for release in February, so possibly all I need now is some Naval Infantry and Bob's my uncle or auntie or whatever he feels like on a given day.

 I will need vehicles and I have a small list for both the Germans and Russians which I shall start collecting after I have painted the infantry, I might even get the odd model before the troops are complete. On the one hand I am looking forward to this and on the other I wonder when in the name of the wee man will I get this lot on the table, I will have a lot of catching up to do.

I have also got my British battalion to take the place of the Hanovarians but I have not even opened the box yet to look at them. This is not entirely down to Covid as I am very busy with maps at the moment and am finding time for painting a luxury. I have almost completed my French battalion for the SYW and I suspect it will be getting varnished and based some time next week.

With all the excitement about Warlord's new ACW figures hitting Facebook, YouTube and the club I have been made to feel guilty about all my lovely Civil War figures languishing in their boxes. So I have decided to kick off a campaign in order to fight some battles here in Casa Anderson. I am using my own booklet on the Elkhorn Tavern Campaign from early 1861 in the West, this gives a start and end date so the campaign will not last forever. It can be played with five players, two Union and three for the Rebs, the players have to take on the roles of their characters as this campaign was plagued with large ego's from the start, this means some players may not have a starring role depending on how the campaign plays out so it can also be played with two. It is also interesting from the point of view of the armies concerned, both are overwhelmingly made up of raw recruits and many units have sub-standard weapons. The terrain is not good, the weather is atrocious and command and control of detached forces is incredibly difficult. The Federal forces have to throw the Rebels out of Missouri while the Confederates have to maintain a presence and inflict a defeat on the enemy which will see them retreat.

 I now take twenty minutes of exercise a day, OK I don't do this on the weekends but nonetheless I am making an effort. I did walk last Sunday as I was getting stir crazy, let's just say it was not wet but 'fresh'. As I neared my return mark who should come round the corner but Duncan in one of his jeeps, he hit the brakes and skidded a good 20 feet, he was going for petrol so I volunteered to accompany him and jumped in, he offered me gloves but hey I used to chase Russian warships in the North Atlantic, I was wrong, it was freezing. Nevertheless I enjoyed the drive and we stopped off to see the fabled Kettenkrad in a nearby village. I did see bits of it, it was covered in stuff in a small shed however Tony promised to get it out in the better weather. These guys gather stuff which just looks like junk to me, Tony has a couple of Jeeps and bits of jeeps, several of what I was told were engines, a large Soviet Communications van, the Kettenkrad and god knows what else in the other sheds.

I am now 68 and one month and in all that time I have never in my life bought a football top, some people are never out of football tops but not me. Now, in order to help out No.2 son I have a football top, what has Scotland got to do with football I hear you ask, no matter, in my heart there is a small nook way in the back in a dark recess which, despite years of misery still expects us to win, win something, anything.


  1. Look forward to eastern front and that ACW campaign.
    Good for you on the exercise - it makes a great difference.
    Jeep looks fantastic.

    1. Campaign kicked off to a good start. As for the exercise it is all we can do at the moment although weather here not conducive.

  2. George! You have aged very well and your exercise regimen is keeping you fit and trim! The Pea Ridge battle has always held my interest so I look forward to following your Elkhorn Tavern Campaign. Can you provide more details on your campaign book? That sounds interesting too.

    1. I have always looked good Jonathan, but the inside is a wreck these days. Send me your email on the contact form and I will sort something out re the campaign.

  3. Thanks for inviting me to join the campaign mate. Plus you can’t beat a bit of Early WW2 😉

  4. Good call on the Sovs, damn unsporting of them to change tunics and add shoulder boards in 1943 though, but fear not most manufacturers indiscriminately mix both in their ranges. Now out of anal mode, good to see you dusting the ACW off and continuing with the SYW project. Bet that jeep ride was a tad uncomfortable as well as chilly, not as I am jealous of course.

    1. Not getting hung up on my Soviets or any of my WWII stuff to be honest, a lot of the insignia etc. is too much for me to paint. I was researching Soviet uniforms into the small hours last night. Campaign has started well looking forward to some battles. I did wonder about having no seat belts as we trundled along, comfort was not a priority with the jeep or the Kubelwagen, very basic vehicles.

  5. Any space available in the campaign game?

    1. Sorry Dale all promotions have been made, was looking at the photographs of our trip only the other day, will put some up on the reports.

  6. Why are you wearing that shoe cleaning cloth in the last picture?😁

  7. Great post and love the top 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  8. Scotland of the 70's. What a team they were.

    1. I got married in '75 (I think) and we got beat 5-1 on the day :)

  9. Jocks - a triumph of hope over experience.

  10. Good job waiting on the early war French, now you can get the forthcoming Wargames Atlantic plastic figures instead, and spend time sticking them together before painting them before they lose the war.

    What fun wargames are!

    1. As much as I admire many plastic ranges I have no patience for sticking them together and have seen too many on the table with half rifles etc. Thankfully they are available in metal but that will be next year's project or I find a good divorce lawyer.

  11. Love the top.. now I feel inspired to find a replica 78 one and go all Archie Gemmill.

    1. '78, the depths of despair and the epic edge of the seat finish, I was in a hotel in Gourock that night, bit like everyone remembers JFK. Nice blog, how did you show the rifle grenades for the Volksgrenadiers?

    2. Forgot to say my dad only left an old tool box full of rusty, useless implements, still have it!
