
Wednesday 7 April 2021


 I was so impressed and had such a good time playing Phil's scenario for the last days of the Reich I decided to steal it for a game of my own, I was talking to mate Billy from north of the border and although he has never played Bolt Action he is a veteran wargamer and took up my challenge.

I recommended he take the Russian steamroller but he opted for the hard pushed Jerries, this time around I gave the Germans two Volksturm squads and one regular Volksgrenadier squad with assault rifles, in support was an infantry gun, a Pak 40 and a Jagdpanzer IV L/70, much the same forces with which Phil defended. I do not have as much armour as Phil so I took a T-34/76, T-34/85 and a lend lease Valentine IX, I also got a T-70 light tank, a 120mm mortar and an infantry gun. Now, Phil's Russians also had a nice little SU-57, I do not have one of them (yet) only an SU-122 or a JSU-152, both of which I thought unsporting to bring to the fight so I left them back at HQ, after all I had swept all before me against Phil (forgetting how bad his die rolling had been).


Once again I decided to simply rush the German position, the opening rounds from the Pak 40 and the Jagdpanzer both missed, I was on track for a second Order of the Soviet Union. As my troops ran to keep up with the armour my T-70 suddenly ground to a halt immobilised, nearby the T34/85 blew up, I chose the Pak as my main target and opened up, nada, my mortar rounds fell nearby showering the crew with dirt and not steel. I did begin to whittle away the Volksgrenadiers in their entrenchments along the hedge of the ploughed field. Bang, the T-34/76 now erupted in flames, a jubilant Jagdpanzer commander waved his hat in the air, if this kept up I would have no tanks to run off the table edge and snatch victory, I nervously looked backward and thought of that SU-122 sitting at HQ.

I threw my infantry at the German line and suffered for it, however my mortar found the range to the Pak and destroyed the annoying gun, to have any chance now I had to get the Valentine to knock out the Jagdpanzer and get some of my surviving infantry to sprint for the end of the table as the remaining Germans, the Volksturm were over on my right flank and the Volksgrenadiers had been wiped out. I now found out that the British had sent us a dud, the 6pdr gun hit but bounced off the Jerry tank, they also missed but it was only a matter of time, to my horror I also found out that the Valentine was 'slow' so even with a clear run I would not make the table edge. I looked over the devastation and decided to work on my excuses for HQ as I threw the towel in.

As expected Billy did not put a foot wrong and he rolled far better than Phil did, the lack of an infantry anti-tank weapon with which to possibly take on or give pause to the Jagdpanzer was a bummer, all the German squads had panzerfausts and one of them eventually put paid to the immobilised T-70. I should perhaps have taken the SU and perhaps stopped for a turn and poured HE on to the enemy positions, but I was flush with victory and threw caution to the wind and suffered for it. No matter, a good few hours of gaming and some chat with a good mate, not face to face but the next best thing.

Phase Two of the Early War project was finished a week or so ago, a Pz38(t) and a 231 armoured car, I ended up with a 233 due to a mistake in posting so I thought I may as well paint it up, alongside these was an infantry gun with an early war crew and painted grey. I also managed to get some crew figures for the earlier open topped models, I was really pleased that once I had cut their bases off they really looked the part, I also spread some empty shell casings on the decks.


I also finished the last of my Russian infantry, an Airborne squad from Warlord, again a very nice little bunch and well animated, and more importantly easy to paint. I also added the anti-tank dogs and the ampulomet anti-tank mortar. That really should be it for the infantry components for both the Russians and Germans, OK, perhaps a naval squad for the Reds when we get to Stalingrad, but all done for now, I know that is tempting fate for a passionate wargamer but there, I have said it.

 Phase Three turned up on Saturday, a PzIV, PzIII, two Sdkfz 251's and a Pak 40, that leaves only the Russian BT7 to arrive. I have a tentative Phase IV which would be transport for both sides but that is not a priority. I have now built and primed them all so I can paint them at my leisure.

I seem to have done quite a bit in the last ten days or so.

No interesting characters in the Post Office this week, no wait, there was a lady who thanked me for being here and continuing to provide a service. I had to look up my online copy of the Domesday book to find out when she was last in.


  1. A fine looking game there George, some Hawkeye shooting from the Germans this time around I see. Great progress on the early stuff there, your neat dunkelgrau work has my wings fluttering.

    1. It was good fun Phil, an excellent scenario which can go either way, as we have seen. I too like the grey, I now find out Army Paint Industrial also do dunkelgelb, much too late for me now.

  2. Spiffing game but the wrong result. Uncle Joe has marked your card...

    1. Thanks David, no second chances with the man of steel.

  3. Great stuff, George! You are in full gear with both gaming and modeling. I cannot believe have many models you have turned out of late. Very impressive in both quantity and quality.

    1. I am hoping to settle down and get them on the table Jonathan in face to face games at some point this year, or next.
