
Friday 11 June 2021

All Quiet on the Home Front

 I have had a busy time since my last post, I now have seven map projects lined up which should keep me occupied up until October with at least two more on the way and a couple of independent commissions on top. From the deserts of Ethiopia to the forests of Japan.

I cannot seem to shake free of Berlin over the past year or so, I am just completing the second volume of a book on Cold War Berlin and have one on the 33rd 'Charlemagne' Waffen-SS division in the wings, who of course were famous for their last stand in the ruins of the city. I have been asked to do several drawings as well as maps for the Cold War book, I do hope the author does not do a third volume.

East/West German Border.

Towers on the Wall.

For God and King.

Italian Wars Vol. 2


Siege of Vienna.

With all that work on it is just as well I have now completed a full platoon with light and heavy supports as well as armour for the French. As usual this has taken me a lot less time than I expected, I find WWII figures so easy to paint after Seven Year War British. I am unsure of whether to add a motorised and colonial squad to the 'army' just to give a French commander more choices, I also wonder if I should get a Panzer I or II for the Jerries.

 The club opened up this week, I could not go nor could several others as only two games were played. I am unsure of the mask situation although social distancing was carried out, which is not difficult with two tables. Of course here in the wilderness of North Lancashire we find ourselves twinned with all the Covid hotspots in other parts of the county and are already being punished, and of course the possible two week delay is now morphing into four weeks, you heard it here first.

I have an ACW game organised for 27th June but not sure what else will happen before or after that.


  1. Good news on the map front, all that will boost the fund for more toys ;~) All those map locations must feel your back in the navy. Panzer II is a must I think :~)

  2. It will keep you busy, in-between all those Panzer 1 & 2's and French Colonial troops winging their way to Delta Central.

  3. George, this a very striking collection of amps. You are keeping very busy on the mapping front. You have a clean, easily understood style.

  4. Great maps George, the Vienna map looks very handy!
