
Friday 15 April 2022


 I'm back. My son booked an AirBnB in Catania, Sicily for just under three weeks and opined I should join him for a weekend, so after some deliberations I decided a week would be better. I traveled down to his place on the train as we were flying from Luton Airport, people of a certain age will smile at those words.

The traveling all went like clockwork and getting through the airport which was not busy was very quick, despite the horrors you might have seen on TV back in the day about EasyJet if you follow the rules it is a painless and efficient way to travel. I did have to wear a mask on the flight which I did not enjoy, I am a mask denier, if you bought a drink you could sit it on your tray and fly maskless, so what's the point.

Sicily was beautiful and sunny when we landed and lovely and warm, the 'flat' was huge and could take eight people so we had plenty of room, it was bright and clean and only a 20 minute walk from the centre of town. There is not a lot to see in Catania apart from the architecture and the beautiful churches which seem to be around every corner, but it is nice to sit outside with a cold drink or food and watch the world go by. Although of course you can be accosted by some African chappie hung with trinkets, sparkly balloons and nik naks whose opening remark "Are you from Senegal" was obviously way off the mark.

Joe Cool.

Near fish market.

Ursino castle.

A church (one of many).

Our food was a bit hit and miss, fish is a big thing in Catania but we did not do well there with bad service and indifferent meals, I did however have a few nice local dishes along with the best pizza I have had in my life and a first class steak to finish my week off, not as good as in Florence but a vegan's nightmare. I did not do so well with drinks, not many establishments served zero alcohol beer, in fact you can get zero Moretti and Peroni in Tesco but it is a struggle in Italy, which I found strange as all the big continental beer brewers do a zero choice now. Anyway I suffered with real beer and an excellent Sicilian red with the steak.

 We made a trip to Syracuse, mainly because it was Syracuse and I had visions of a Greek and Roman city, I was disappointed because the old city is now under the new one, like Catania. We did visit the archaeological park where there was a collection of ruins and then wandered the ancient streets and had a nice meal before returning to HQ.

Ancient worlds largest altar.

Roman amphitheater.

Greek theater with ancient grand piano.

Waterfront, Syracuse

Only natural growing Papyrus in Europe.

  Covid played next to no part in the trip, we were not asked for paperwork or tested on arrival, you only had to wear masks inside but this lunacy disappeared once you had walked ten feet and sat at your table amongst forty or fifty other people in close proximity, only twice did we eat inside and have to show our NHS pass. For me to have all your travel documents on your phone was a novelty, presenting such to a scanner does make life so much easier.

With my week up I headed home, a long day ending with a numb backside, I do have to say that once again everything went like clockwork and I got all my connections without a bit of bother.

So, what now, well I had to go into the PO yesterday morning as the missus had to go out and apart from my memory it seemed like I had never been away, but I had and had a slight tan to prove it. No one who came in had missed me and seemed nonplussed when welcomed with "Buongiorno." I had some new figures waiting for me, the next pike block and some cavalry, and I managed to get back to the unit of handgunners I started before I left. So, onwards and upwards.

Before I forget, if you are looking for something to watch, try Clickbait, Netflix I think, a superb piece of storytelling and you will decide half a dozen times who done it before you find out you are wrong.


  1. Lucky! I will be taking my first air travel in two years soon. We are flying to Las Vegas for a concert. Since we are staying at the Venetian, does that count as foreign travel?

    Thanks for the Netflix recommendation. Finished up the new season of Drive to Survive last week.

    1. Not going to stick my neck out on the Venetian. The last F1 show was very good, thoroughly enjoy that despite hating sport. You should enjoy Clickbait, I thought it was very good.

  2. Fantastic pictures. Looks like a very enjoyable trip.
    That steak looks superb also. Mouth watering.

    The sunglasses make you look far too cool George. Some restraint required I believe sir!

    1. It was a great break, you forget how relaxing a holiday is. Looking that good is a crime in some countries :)

  3. A fine break there despite the indifferent food and service at times. Nice to see the pictures of Syracuse we didn't get chance to visit when we were there.

  4. It’s nice to get away Phil and a change is as good as a rest.

  5. V interesting. We have been to Sicily quite a few times and surprised you didn't eat particularly well. I don't think you have to go to the high end recommendations made by someone like Stanley Tucci in his recent tv programme - I think the one he went to in Catania was Michelin starred. A bit out of my league so we hunt out where the locals go. I use books such as The Rough Guide who usually come up trumps when searching for somewhere to eat and we normally skip pudding and just buy an ice cream and perch somewhere and people watch.

    The south east corner of Sicily is well worth an explore - subject to some of the craziest driving by the locals I have seen anywhere in the world.


    1. I think the food only let us down twice and once it was mainly the service. We only ate at a couple of 'fancy' restaurants as we were not looking to spend a fortune. Yes, I would not like to drive there, anywhere in Italy actually.
