
Wednesday 8 June 2022


 Tempus Fugit as the Romans say, another week gone and still no sign of a real summer north of the Watford Gap.

It was Chain of Command for Simon and I, we chose the Flank Attack scenario and I was the attacker, originally I got 8 support points and Simon had 4, with the difference in our platoon strengths Simon got another 3 giving him 7, so I was expected to attack on a 1 to 1 basis. We had a talk about the points and in the end we agreed I would get 10 and Simon 7. I had a Heer platoon and spent nearly all my points on a StuH 42 and with my extra two took a second Senior Leader. Simon changed tack and brought a T-70 along with a MMG team.

The Russians defend the far left corner.

 I put two squads on my left flank and one on the right, this I decided to supplement with the tank, the Russians were all in one quarter of the table and everything except one squad was brought on to defend the area, I also quickly had all my men on the table ensconced in buildings. The defenders could have done with some fieldworks but nevertheless put up a brave fight until my tank turned up, this proved the king of the battlefield and Soviet casualties began to mount, the T-70 preferred to keep out of sight of the StuH. Simon did take advantage of a double move to surprise me by advancing on one of my Jump Off Points, a good move, but I had defenders right next to it and they eventually wiped out the brave Russians.

Battle winner.

I had to use this as a JOP.

Simon's lovely Russians.

 My tank was causing havoc and as the clock ticked down I brought my infantry out from cover and began to advance on the Soviet position. I was doing nicely until Simon killed one of my Senior Leaders and my morale took a -3 hit, however it was only a minor setback and as my tank continued to advance with impunity Simon called a halt. A German win.

Schnell, schnell.

A reluctant T-70.


 We discussed that the Soviet list in the original rule book was not up to scratch and we needed to look more closely at the armies for the year we were playing, the Germans are not so bad but the Soviets need work. The support lists are not great either in that there are loads of options you will simply never be able to get your hands on, especially as a defender because you will never have the points available. I think the trick is to ditch the scenarios in the book and sort something out for yourself. The same problems do not rise so much in the mini-campaigns. Anyway that is work for another day.

I have completed my third pike block, Landsknechts of the 'Black Bands' in French Service led by the Duke of Suffolk killed at Pavia in 1525, I will be doing a second such pike block to either join these guys or fight on its own. Although I have the figures I am taking a 'rest' and painting up a gun and crossbownmen, these I cleaned up and primed today. I am becoming more comfortable painting these figures, my first pikes were Swiss and apart from the odd slash on the clothing I kept them plain albeit it coloured, these guys are real Landsknechts so I have made more of an effort with some of the clothing, I am keeping the real colourful stuff for Imperial Landsknechts. I have looked at many illustrations online and re-enactors along with tapestries from the period, and I don't buy into the more bizarre representations shown.


Rear ranks.

Full block.

I think next week I am off to Vietnam at the club, Andy is running the game and it will be a nice change. It makes me remember sitting at a quiz on the rig and the question was what was the real name of the VC in the Vietnam war, the table next to us in a loud hush said "Charlie".

Much as I tried to hide from the Jubilee I was snookered as my granddaughter was here and I was to be on my best behaviour. We went to Morecambe on the Friday night for the beacon lighting only to find out I had a bigger gas ring on my cooker as the real beacon had not turned up, then the heavens opened and we got soaked, a hasty retreat was beat. Friday it was the local school grounds and maybe less than 10% of the village turned up for the festivities, yes the weather was not great but it was dry and some people had put a lot of effort in. Saturday and Carnforth had the same problem, again a fraction of the population turned up, we decided to head for Lancaster only to find out nothing at all was going on and the funfair had not turned up. A very poor show oop North hereabouts. I did manage to stay out of the way of the concert and pageant and only saw enough to confirm my innate miserableness as I retreated to my study.


  1. Gosh, this in another lovely block of pikemen, George. Your basing is superb with the leveled pikemen in the front rank. Perfect for an Impetvs Large Unit.

    One of these days, I will get in a CoC game. Your games are always motivating but I just cannot quite get the figures onto the table. One day, perhaps, when F2F gaming resumes on a more regular basis. It is not so much a question of playing F2F but a question of working out logistics of vary varied schedules and travel times.

  2. Thanks Jonathan, the basing is nothing special but the sand and grass work well together. If you get time in your schedule I could put on a CoC game for you.

  3. A win is a win mate! That StuH 42 is a beast.
    Your latest pike block is the best yet. Very, very nice indeed.

    1. It is an excellent all rounder and good infantry killer, but then again Simon was caught on the hop with no AT. Go Pikes :)

  4. Nice work on the Italian Wars figures George! CoC you can keep! And lists & points too! Even less Jubilee sh1t here than you reported, which is as it should be!

    1. Thanks David. Both the big WWII rules have problems, the one to bind them all has still to be written. I enjoy lists, but can work without them.

  5. Grand looking game, your victories appear to be in their ascendancy, l think mine are at the start have a downwards spiral. A cracking unit of mercenaries there George, look forward to seeing your artillery pieces. Jubilee what's that then?

    1. A fluke and a one off I think Phil on the Ostfront. Really enjoying painting this new project. The Jubilee seems to have had little effect ooop North.

  6. A good looking game George and you are pushing on admirably with the Pike blocks

    1. Thanks Matt, I have managed to do a lot more than I thought.
