
Thursday 2 March 2023

Barbarossa Again

 Club night and a game against Simon's Russians, another early war bash as the Germans drive deeper into oblivion. 

It was Chain of Command this time and unusually for me I took a tank, this is all I could get for my five support points but I was expecting Simon to bring some light armour and for once I thought I would have the edge, I have not fielded this Panzer III before, in fact I don't think any of the three I have have been on the table, two are mid war though. 

The game was a defence game for me as the Russians mounted a local counterattack, I got lucky and got a double turn straight off, so my boys set up their defences and I popped down my armour, Simon showed no surprise which surprised me. Then the Soviets brought on their first unit, a KV-1, I looked at my watch and thought the missus would get a fright when I came home early, my tank crew expecting a light tank were also shocked.

No matter, my command dice continued to better Simon and I was granted another double turn, I turned most of my attention onto his two infantry squads which had made it on to the table, very quickly they began to suffer casualties and large amounts of shock. My tank took several shots at the Red monster but only managed to scratch the paintwork, the KV-1 answered half heartedly and continued to miss. I took a chance and moved up one of my infantry squads into a small woods close to the advancing Russians and although I took casualties I dealt out far more. The Russian tank now moved towards my men in the wood giving up trying to knock out the annoying PzIII, however it was too late, I managed to pour a lot of hurt on to the Soviets and their morale collapsed, Barbarossa could continue.

I had thought the KV-1 would be a battle winner for Simon but it wasn't, although the PzIII was outclassed with a little luck it could have forced the Soviet tank to withdraw or give it some shock, but it was not a lucky crew. No matter, Simon's infantry arrived to be hit with the usual overwhelming base of fire from my infantry and as he did not manage to get all his squads on the ones that did were cut to ribbons lowering Russian morale. Once again I think this proves, for me at least, that Chain of Command works far better as a campaign than a throw down club game.

While at the club mate Stuart brought my two new vehicles having printed the files for me, they are lovely, a StuIG33 and a Flakpanzer 38(t), I am a sucker for anything with a flak gun on it and especially like the Pz38(t) and all its variants. The 38(t) is especially nice as you can have the crew on the gun or separate, the same applies to the driver (?), I was really pleased with the detail on the gun and crew, and thankful that Stuart printed them off for me. Why did I get more tanks when so many have yet to see the elephant, why not.

I have also started on my Imperial army, the first of my Landsknechts are done, the front ranks of the pike block, I added a couple of guys in the front to see how they would look, very happy, so sword and bucklers will be added to the Spanish the same way when I get around to them. I have the mid ranks primed and ready to go and am mulling over which flags to use, decisions, decisions. Really enjoying painting these guys.

Italian Wars at the club on Tuesday and a game with Julian on the Wednesday.

On packing away the troops from Sunday's ACW game I have to admit that on looking over the field of battle I have to admit the Rebs were closer to victory than I thought, the Union right looked very thin compared to the Confederates descending on that area. But there you go, there is always a next time.


  1. Yes, having played in quite a few now, CoC is definitely better in a campaign! Enjoy the new AFVs, you can’t have enough mate. Well, that’s what I tell myself when I look at my collection for North Africa! Lovely IW figures as ever. Really like the look of that era.

    1. Careful, you do have the terrain for Italy ;)

  2. Grand looking bit of CoC there George and another win your wargaming star is in the ascendancy it appears. Fine IW additions and vehicles, I look forward to seeing them painted next week😉

    1. Thanks Phil, I would like to at least paint the Flakpanzer but the need to do the Landsknechts is stronger.

  3. CoC? You can keep it for me. Games coming thick and fast for you now though. Nice 3D prints there and splendid Renaissance additions.

    1. I have yet to get a set of WWII rules I am completely happy with. Yes, doing well with games and back into painting Italian Wars with the new army started.

  4. Keep this success up and you will rise to Field Marshal in no time. Your Italian Wars figures are sublime. It will be good to see these armies out on the table in battle.

    1. I have the urge for a powder blue ensemble perhaps, with a cape and baton. I am so pleased I went into the Italian Wars for my finale, the period is gorgeous. We have a large battle on Wednesday Jonathan.

    2. You will look striking! I need to get my Italian Wars collection back out into battle too. For me, it has been a very long time.

  5. Nicely done George, I think the Russians should have a special rule with the KV which if it is still moving it can keep fighting whatever the force morale after all that is what happened. I can see they are a double edged sword when played at this level of platoon game.

  6. Bolt Action has a scenario for the KV-2 which held a bridge against all odds, need to play that at some point.

  7. IMO every game is better if part of a campaign, although particularly so with CoC and some other skirmish games. That’s inevitable and realistic; the result of a small skirmish may so easily turn on a chance event when there’s not enough troops/units engaged for such turns of fortune to even out.

    1. CoC needs the mini campaigns and thankfully there are many to choose from, it is just the old problem of getting players to commit.
