
Wednesday 4 October 2023

There's thousands of 'em.

 I have noticed several pieces recently on just how many historical wargamers there are, personally I am surrounded by quite a few, always have been so I have never given it much thought as long as I can find someone to play the odd game. Things also seem fairly healthy by the amount of stuff I can buy for the troops, from dinner plates and tankards to a scaled down copy of the Reichstag circa Berlin 1945. New ranges abound along with a boom in 3D printing which I think is the future despite being wedded to metal. The figure arrived at was around 50,000, which may seem like a lot but up against 900,000 anglers pales into insignificance, even the train spotters are in six figures despite the things being characterless these days. Does it really matter, not really, I file it under the same guff that we need to grow the hobby or get more females interested, or more diversity etc. you are either a wargamer or you are not that's the only thing that matters.

The big news of course is that the Atlas I have worked on for the last three or more years has at last been published and I have recieved several complimentary copies as my name appears on the cover. I had finished the maps a long time ago so apart from tweaking my job was done. The book looks very good, a coffee table tome to adorne any bijou reading room, which of course we all have. You can find details here.

I had another Italian Wars game at the club this week, I will not wax lyrical as you will no doubt be fed up of Italian Wars, also it was only an introductory game for Simon, the period does not play well on a typical 6x4 with only a fraction of the forces sitting in reserve in the War Room. Anyway I was the Imperials and although the cavalry action on the wings was inconclusive I lost my two pike blocks so was on a hiding to nowhere.

I have managed once again to add more troops to the Imperial army, a unit of German men-at-arms and have taken delivery of more cavalry and the last pike block to keep me going now the nights are fair closing in. This leaves a couple of cavalry units still to get but they can wait.

Apart from that everything is fairly quiet as winter approaches, I am ticking over with map projects and have finished several commissions outwith my work for Helion.


  1. Congratulations on seeing your latest map work published! I never tire of seeing your Italian Wars armies out on maneuvers.

    I think Big Lee’s 50,000 wargamer estimate was for UK only.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. You are right I did not give the rest of the world a thought, but is wargaming more popular in the UK than elsewhere and if so why?

  2. Congratulations on the Atlas finally appearing. Way out of my price range though as are all their publications(bit like Caliver's too). Good looking Italian Wars game and new additions too. As to numbers of Wargamers, that 50,000 probably just the tip of the iceberg.

  3. Congratulations on the book book in print at last didn't relalise it had been that long in progress. Price wise one has to be objective where short run specialist publications are concerned. A modest meal out last week for two £53, two hours gone, a book is for life.
    Small or large engagements your Italian Wars collections are always a pleasure to view.

  4. Good to see the book in print….50,000 , not sure how many there are in Penrith ?

    1. It’s lovely if I say so myself. Enough wargamers to keep us all happy Matt.
