
Saturday 27 January 2024

The builders are in

 The miserable season continues with rain, wind and cold and the media ramping up the fear we are all doomed because of what used to be known as 'the weather' a few days of heavy gusts are now given names, well I think they are names when did you last bump into a Gerrit, Henk or Isha?

I digress, the builders are in. The Post Office is being stripped ready for the real work and the size of the  room is immense, upstairs the same space has two bedrooms, a dining room, a corridor, and a large utility space, but the new space will have one big room for wargames basically. A veritable treasure trove of £11.11 and a halfpenny have been found, many of the coins no longer in circulation. When will I be able to host a game, who knows but Easter now seems to be beckoning, it depends on what they use for the new floor and how long it takes to dry out.

I managed to get to the club this week and faced 'Lucky' Jimi who took my Waffen SS for a spin while I at last got to use my British, we decided not to use any tanks but could choose armoured cars. The Jerries had three large squads with some heavy weapons support and a 231 heavy armoured car, I took four smaller squads, heavy weapons support and a Humber Mk4 armoured car and a bren carrier.

It was Normandy so there was plenty of hedgerows and we just set up and set off, continuing to keep things simple. The first moves were uneventful as both sides closed on each other, turn three however was a disaster for the Germans, nearly all the British dice came out the bag first and a wall of lead hit the SS. Unusually for me my dice were on fire, I could not lose, almost 50% of the enemy forces bit the dust as all my units managed to fire. Jimi's return fire was equally impressive but for the wrong reasons. As turn four ended we shook hands and called it a night, it had been a brutal game and too one sided.

I have stripped and primed the first of the cavalry figures I was gifted by Dan at the club, I dipped them in Dettol and boy does that stink but it does the job after 48 hours. I have another six being bathed as I type, this will leave me three more artillery pieces and a few odds and ends. The cavalry I intend to use as heavy/light cavalry and look on them as the tail end types of a typical Lance for the period. So my only purchase before I get my mojo back when the new room is finished will be gun crews for the artillery, although in the back of my mind is some early war British armour and maybe some heavy weapons teams for my various WW2 forces. After this I will have to make up my mind whether I am adding more to the Italian Wars or calling it a day.

I managed to finish my grandson's fantasy warbands, brownie points for Papa.

I am continuing working on the mini atlas for Battles and Battlefields of the Peninsular War, I am halfway through but seem to be taking one step forward and two back.

 I mentioned the TV series Silo recently, I was so impressed and with no patience to wait for Season 2 I bought the trilogy. It has taken me just two weeks to read the first two volumes, that is how much I enjoyed them. I have a small amount of proper reading material, Rorke's Drift and the fall of Singapore in waiting but I need to finish the third Silo book. I am still slightly in the dark about one aspect of the sci-fi series but hoping all will be revealed.

I am hoping for a Chain of Command game this Tuesday at the club but apart from that, all quiet on the Lancashire front.


  1. That's a mighty big area, you will need more "stuff" to fill it perhaps😉 I see the Normandy dice gods favoured you there.

    1. I agree with Phil! You may need a few more projects to fill the cavernous space.

    2. I’ll soon fill it Phil, or the missus might.

    3. You might be right Jonathan but I couldn’t possibly comment.

  2. Shades of 'A View from the Window's in that post George. The War Room is going to be spectacular isn't it? Lots of room to store all those 'Retired Dice'. Your grandson is going to love those figures, well done Grandad!

    1. Thanks David, there is so much madness in the world the View couldn’t keep up.

  3. I initially thought that you had posted a picture of your latest art installation 😁
    But it’s an excellent wargames installation… Hurrah!

    Lovely work on the warbands ….

    Apparently there are plans to name ‘heatwaves’… maybe next year if we break wind we will have to register a name for it within 24 hours or get fined… 🤪

    It’s a mad mad world…

    All the best. Aly

  4. Why didn’t I think of that, “Post Office in Decline” perfect for the Tate Modern. I enjoyed the challenge but fantasy not for me. As for farting I usually successfully blame someone else 🤣
