
Sunday 24 April 2016

View From The Window

Nothing exciting out of the window this morning, nothing stirs, early again, grey and cold so not a great start although the boffins at weather HQ did warn us the weekend would be rubbish now that summer is done, summer was Thursday and Friday, beautiful days.

The view last week was again the leafy suburbs of Chorleywood as I was down south for the Salute wargame show. I couldn't face the drive up and down so as I said I got the train, First Class of course and it was great, the seat opposite me was empty so I could stretch my legs and I was offered food and drink for the short two and a half hour hop to London. While I sat in luxury I got a quick glimpse of a black mini skirt and five inch heels further down the carriage, imagine my disappointment when the top half hove into view and had arms thicker than my thighs and shoulders you could sit the proverbial brick outhouse on. His mate was even worse, a see-through white lace top, black bra on a flat chest, mini kilt and a look that said "go on, say something and I'll kill you" which I have no doubt he could have. The saying 'dress your age' comes to mind, these two guys were 50+ if they were a day and dressed like Britney Spears, please, not that a twin set and pearls would have helped mind.

I enjoyed the trip to London, I went to the British Museum on the Friday and made straight for the Roman and Dark Age exhibits, there was the odd piece which intrigued me, especially the expensive plate, gold and silver hoards and the odd sword or helmet, as for the rest it was OK. What I did like was seeing the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles and my favourites, the Assyrian wall friezes, they were brave guys going out and hunting lions with a spear or sword, I have seen lions up close in the wild and they are magnificent but scary beasts. I was pleased that the dates were still in AD or BC and not that common era nonsense.

That evening my son and I had a few beers in a Blues bar which was suitably dingy and quirky but had no zero alcohol beer so I went back to my old ways and had a few Amstel's, I nearly dropped when the guy asked for £10 for two drinks. We then made our way to the swanky Indian restaurant, the service was impeccable and the food a cut above, as were the prices, but it has been a while since I was in a decent restaurant and I thoroughly enjoyed it, however my goal is to have a meal in the Cinnamon Club at some point.

The wife arrived on the Saturday evening and is down there for at least another week looking after my granddaughter and no doubt my son while we wait for Joyce to receive a work visa for the UK in Tanzania. The office fascists have been looking at a claim of mine now for almost a year so I suspect they are no better in Dar es Salaam, the missus of course needs to get back to normality so I might have to go down and do my duty for a week or so later, that will put an end to my sons holiday.

I have been home alone now for a week and seem to live in the Post Office not having my usual days off, my only bit of excitement was an altercation between two drivers outside the shop the other day. I heard doors slam and raised voices so went for a butchers, a driving instructor took umbrage at the way some old guy was driving and decided to give him an earful, but whilst doing so he blocked Main street completely, more irate drivers to add to the mix. The mature gentleman was not daft enough to get out the car, politely listened to the rant from behind his window and then drove off.

Did you have a Happy Earth Day last week? No, I don't have a clue either, however Facebook is good at reminding you of all these inane dates which come from god knows where and mean absolutely nothing, it would be more helpful if it could remind me about the list of stuff my wife wants done before she gets back or is it the grey or green bins that go out this week. It's the grey dear (she'll be reading this.)

So there it is, I am going to try and have a lazy day, I have a few little jobs to do and can always find something else to paint or tweak, wargame stuff of course, not house stuff.


  1. Top man George. It'll be a mad dash around the house 10 minutes before the Mrs gets home then??

    1. One pot, one fork, one knife, one plate, no mess, that's survival, Bear Grylls eat your heart out.

    2. But what about the washing and ironing?

    3. Ex Navy, bit of dhoby dust and an iron don't frighten me.

    4. That's two of us then shippers! 😉

    5. 9am, Tuesday 8th October, 1968, D110948Y. Radio Op. Tartar, Nubian, Sheraton.

      Brothers on Nubian, Tartar, Bulwark, Kent and Eastbourne I think.

    6. 14:00, Tuesday 26th September, 1972, D135254L. R.O.(Golly - still in the days when they had to float between the bridge and the MCO as well as the EWO), Sirius, Llandaff & Falmouth. Funny, always fancied a Tribal, but not much for Gollies to do. Just a sprog to you then ;O)

    7. I was a Sparker but always got top marks on EWX's for some reason which we still had to do. EW office was a lovely little hideaway on Tribal's.

  2. Bear Grylls would catch it, skin it with his teeth and eat it raw and wriggling!!! ;o) ;o)
    Take it easy.

  3. I love it when my wife is away but is so rarely happens!

    1. Just head the missus may be away for another two weeks, gasp, I may have to do a washing.
