
Sunday 24 April 2016

Wallet Takes a Hit

I am forging ahead getting things ready for Tuesday night, I received my little extras from Colin at Charlie Foxtrot Models so I managed to roof my last building along with completing the little outbuildings which I hope will enhance my wargaming experience. I swapped the roofs which came with the models for some corrugated tin from 4Ground, this stuff is great and looks even better with a rust wash, I think you will agree.

Shed, log store and WC's.

Out building and those telegraph poles along with the extras.
That is it for my buildings at the moment, I do want to eventually get the beautiful school building from Colin and maybe get enough others to put a 'street' together but that is for the future. I want to concentrate on finishing off my British and German forces now, the plan being to get up to around 1000 - 1500 points for both. I now have the basic starting force for both sides, a platoon of three squads along with HMG, mortar, sniper and anti-tank support, I had forgotten the spotters for the mortars but have painted them up this morning, I also have a choice of recce vehicles for both sides although I am still waiting for the British armoured car from Blitzkrieg.

I now have to turn my attention to all the lovely vehicles I can get before beefing my infantry squads up to ten men and maybe adding one more. I am going to give my troops the choice of transport vehicles so that means mainly trucks with maybe one halftrack for each, M5 or M3 or SdKfz 251/1, now this sounds easy but the price of these things is frankly expensive. The cheapest truck I could find was £18, I eventually went with two at £21 because along with a couple of other things this got me free postage, £42 for two bog standard trucks!

Nearly all the motorised stuff comes in at these prices, even the tiny jeep is £15 on average. OK you don't have to get all this for Bolt Action but being a wargamer you pretty much will want it to complete your forces. I am looking at up to three jeeps, three trucks/halftracks, an anti-tank gun and tow and a choice of tanks/SP guns or AA vehicles or maybe an SP howitzer or tank killer, and all this for both sides. Four hundred of your English quids at least. This suddenly looks like a long term project, birthdays, Father's days and Christmas' are now all sorted.

On the bright side I have the beginnings of two decent forces already and they can only be improved upon as time passes.


  1. Crumbs, you need to post your rusty roof painting recipe!! That's absolutely spot on.
    Very decent of you to provide a couple of WC's on the table ;o)

    1. No recipe Matt, straight out of the tin, Ammo Mig Rust Tracks and Dark Rust. I was going to experiment but they worked perfectly and they put a little ball bearing in the bottle!
