
Wednesday 29 May 2019

First Kill

I had organised Wings of War for this week at the club, I wasn't sure how many would be playing but I have more than enough to let vast numbers play, another in with two feet episode. At the end of the day it was only Andy and myself, I have a number of 1v1 scenarios and chose 'The Rookie'. The idea behind this is that a couple of veterans have taken a new member to the Staffel/Squadron up for a taste of what it is like over the front, they of course have to babysit him and make sure he gets back for ham and eggs or whatever was served up in 1916. I would take the Germans with the green pilot, the flight consisted of two Albatross DIII's and one DVa, the new boy being in a DIII, Hermann Goering would be leading the flight. Being a rookie meant the youngster had not yet mastered the Immelman turn and his shooting was not up to standard but the two aces in attendance should keep him safe. Andy for the RNAS had one regular pilot and two aces flying Sopwith Camels.
No, this way!

The German flight was attacked close to the Front Line by British pilots, I decided that I would keep my flight in a tight formation in order to maximise my firepower and keep the young man safe, this was ruined right at the start as the DVa turned the opposite way from everyone else. No matter, the British had sent one Camel towards me while the other two went on a flanking maneuver so this aircraft started to take hits. As the dogfight continued the British were collecting a lot of damage cards but seemed to be able to shrug them off, an early shot wounded one of my aces but nothing serious happened to the planes.

Rookie gets his man.
Goering dodges burning Camel.

Both sides now jockeyed for position but the British were having the worst of it and found two Camels trailing flames, there were several near misses as pilots got up close and personal. The Rookie was flying very well and got the drop on one Camel pouring fire into him at close range before he managed to break off. In quick succession two British planes fell from the sky leaving only a desperately damaged Camel to fight off the three Germans. Caught in a vicious crossfire the survivor too hurtled to the ground, this victory was shared giving the Rookie 1.5 kills on his first war flight.
The End.
 A great little game and although Andy had some good luck in pulling blank damage cards my experience in the game gave me the edge. We really should play this more often with more planes, it is perfect for a club night. Elsewhere there was some 17C role playing with the Musketeers, a Saga campaign game (I have one next week) and an Age of Sigmar (I think). I have mentioned the painting of these latter figures so here are a couple of photos, not my cup of tea but the brushwork of Ryan and Julian is amazing, my pictures do not do them justice.

I was in Glasgow for the bank holiday weekend and decided to treat myself to a couple of books, I have given up with Tim Clayton's history of espionage against Napoleon, despite being one of my favourite authors I just cannot get into spying, I felt the same about Max Hastings' book a few years ago, I gave up with that as well. I picked up James Holland's new book on Normandy, a special with additional material and signed by the author himself, I have started it and thoroughly enjoying it, the sheer scope of Overlord is mind boggling. The other was a stab in the dark, I have never yet read anything I liked on the American War of Independence, and I have tried but it left me cold. Despite this I have bought the first in a trilogy covering the war and am hoping for good things, it is a hefty tome, I also got it due to my ongoing project of an Atlas for the war. I will confess however I had no idea it was a trilogy when I picked it up, grrrrrrr.

The legendary Anderson fortune has taken a hit recently so I will not be getting anything new, or nothing expensive anyway, for June. I have started on my French cavalry so will take it easy with them during the next few weeks. I have finished the British 10th Dragoons (Morduants) and a new brigadier, I am getting close to having enough troops to fight one of the scenarios in Honours of War. I made a cock up with the officer, for some reason I now have three of this figure, two are British and the other will be painted up for the French, no idea how I managed that.


  1. Ah, those magnificent men in their flying machines, can't beat it.
    Fine body of horse flesh there, now crack on with the Frenchies Sir.

    1. Painting at the crack of dawn this morning Phil, back at work now slaving over a hot drawing tablet.

  2. Always been a fan of Wings of War WWI! Nice work on the cavalry too George.

    1. Thanks David. Dropped my box of stands so dreading to look in as mine are all glued, might need a tanker of glue.

  3. You have some nice planes there, the yellow tail Albatros stands out, although I'm not so sure it's bright colours fits with the wing camouflage, is he a specific pilot or your imagination.
    I've played more wings of war lately than anything else, although that wouldn't be hard to do. I'm interested in your stock scenarios, they sound like a good idea, have you posted them on here?
    I'm taking part in the Aerodrome Daring Young Men campaign and just posted the Scenario for June, no idea if it's going to work well but I hope so.
    The age of Sigmar figures look quite spiffy but probably not my cup of tea either.
    Have you used Honours of War? I tried a trial game and they seemed OK, but the last time I played this period with armies was a long time ago and used WRG rules. Things change :)

    1. I have over 50 planes for WoW including bombers, ground attack, seaplanes etc. I repainted all my planes (duh) so they were unique, but the game now has some of those for sale now. The colour schemes are real although I do not have a name for yellow tail, the others were Goering and Koenig. Check the Wings of War label for more colourful aircraft. If you send me a PM using the contact form I can get you my scenarios. I have not used HoW yet but hope to soon.
