
Wednesday 22 May 2019

Training Day II

A pleasant evening to head out to the club last night, I jumped into another Black Powder game so that Julian and Rob could hone their skills before Glasgow, I once again took charge of part of the French Guard. A simple table with the Allies ensconced behind a wall of hedges while we attempted to move them.

Julian was in the middle and Andy took our left, I had the right and sent my men forward slowly, I wanted to play my artillery on the enemy before charging home, this plan seemed to be working fine and cannonballs crashed into a large British battalion opposite me. The cannon fire was so good the British sent a small unit of skirmishers to harry my gunners but it did them no good as they fell victims to grapeshot. I was just about ready to carry out my plan when another French battalion on my left masked my guns leaving them with no targets except some British guns on a hill, not who I wanted to shoot at. No matter, I charged regardless, in Black Powder you can only fight one on one unless the units are small, and none of these were, units standing around if close enough count as supports, but them's the rules, it doesn't look right but there you go.

Now came a hint of something bad coming, my column could not break the enemy and the melee was a draw, no matter I would win the second round, but I didn't, another draw, the British support was keeping their men in the fight. I looked around in the smoke and now thought, bring the useless guns up just like the British. Off to my left Julian had pushed the enemy from the hedge and it looked like the Allied centre was about to fall, one more effort Mon brave lads.

Perhaps my French was misinterpreted but it was probably the run of dire die rolls from both myself and Julian that did for us. Within one round we had lost three battalions, I was left with only my guns who had just managed to limber up, Julian's tenacious fighters in the centre, all alone had also had enough and retired as the enemy attempted to surround them. A look across at Andy sealed our fate, he had one battalion teetering on the brink of running and some Dragoons who also looked none too keen to continue the fight. It was all over, I hope Julian's men fight better in Glasgow.

And pouf, they were gone.
 I am beginning to get the hang of Black Powder now, like most of Warlord's offerings, you have to accept them as they are or dump them and get something else. I am happy to accept them as they are, I used to be unsure about the command rolls but these seem fine unless you get a really bad run and do nothing for most of the battle, but this can happen to us all and there are ways to still move something. I am though getting worried with the ease with which troops become disordered and this can have a big effect on Plan A, B or even C if you have one. As I looked along the serried ranks I again realised that I am going to need a bigger table for my SYW games.

I really enjoyed last night, some good fun and quite a few laughs, next week it is Wings of War.

On the painting front I am getting on with my small British cavalry unit and if I were not away this weekend I would have completed it, but I am so it will be next week before that is done and I can move on to the French unit. Apart from some little bits and pieces I have managed to make no major spends this month as per my plan, I am thinking of extending this for June as well then binging in July. I am watching for Aventine's Galatians, more SYW grenadiers, some British Para's and the new stuff from Rubicon.


  1. I blame the hedges. Only played BP a few times, many moons ago. From what I can remember they played well?

    1. You had to be there Ray, it really was the dice, another set I keep saying I'll throw away, that may have been the last straw.

  2. A fun game despite the result for the French again. I find that disorder frustrates my plans more often than failed command rolls, neither as ever spoiled my enjoyment though, cest le guerre after all. Do you use any of the rule amendments from the Napoleonic supplements? Look forward to seeing the cavalry in due course, the projects is progressing steadily.

    1. It was a good night, perhaps they just need their bases finished off, you know what soldiers are like. The amendments were from the upcoming Glasgow game, normally BP at the club is Colonial for which I know Rob uses house rules, not sure about the Napoleonic ones. I have the SYW supplement for when I am ready. Home alone tonight so a few hours on the troopers.

  3. I echo Phil's sentiments as BP never disappoints but does frustrate which I find enhances the overall experience. Looking forward to the SYW cavalry in review order!

    1. Finished the cavalry tonight, wash and varnish next, also managed to get the French figures ready for priming.

  4. From my side of the hedge, the relentless advance of the French Guard shrugging off everything thrown at them with barely a scratch was just horrible.

    1. Unless of course you were up against my Guard on the right, whose advance was more 'will we, won't we'.

  5. Just read through the last couple of months post :) enjoyable as always, couldn't decide if you liked Vietnam or just disliked the trip there and back.
    Thanks for the link to Kronoskaf, I dont think I've come across them before, just had a quick look round and it looks a valuable source of info. I lost all my recent bookmarks when my previous tablet gave up the ghost and so obviously can't remember what I lost!!! Age as they say doesn't come alone, but doesnt come with a better memory that's for sure.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed Vietnam, with stops and starts about 24 hrs to get there but we were not in steerage so it was pleasant enough. Kronoskaf is so good I sent them some cash as they have saved me a fortune on books. And sadly you are on the money about old age, I look good but the inside is a wreck :)
