
Friday 4 October 2019

On to Berlin!

Since I finished the grenadiers last week I have had nothing to paint, last night I remembered a couple of little cars which I had bought at a market while waiting for my car to be serviced, these were going to be Normandy scatter terrain. So in desperation I primed them and set too last night, a splash of paint, a bit of weathering and a sign if needed along with an old chair and some bags of something and voila.

My painting doldrums have now been alleviated by the arrival of the first of my Russians, four squads from Artizan, they come in a plastic box akin to a double DVD container, I have seen these lined with sponge and used as carrying cases but I cannot see me doing this. It seems a shame to ditch them but there you go, straight into the proper coloured box, this one's on me Greta.

 I got them at 1230 hours, a squad has now been cleaned and based ready for priming, it is now 1300, I shall do this in between customers this afternoon ready for the brushes this evening. They are fairly basic as far as uniforms go and should not take long.

The rain has only just stopped but if it continues over the weekend I might do that SYW game I keep promising myself.


  1. I cannot imagine a day when The Lead Pile is empty and nothing to paint...

    1. I have a lead pimple Jonathan so I can run out if I don't time my purchases right, and of course catch the postman before her indoors.

  2. A neat bit of battlefield clutter there George. Do play the game it will inspire you to paint more of them.

    1. Those little cars pop up everywhere they are perfect for WWII. Jury still out on the game, will see how the weather goes.

  3. Well that's not bad going George.

    1. I find I get more time if I forget to turn the 'Closed' sign Ray.

  4. Fantastic trucks mate! Really like 'em.
    Only 30 mins to get the figures cleaned and prepped ... I'm stunned, lol!
    Looking forward to seeing these. Will be a good reference for when I tackle my chaps. Please do blog the paint recipes you use.

    1. Got stuck in last night, very easy to paint, Soviets didn't go in for a lot of baggage, those uniforms do look like rubbish, poor guys.

  5. Nothing to paint? What kind of wargamer does that?😉 You know my view on your Russian digression, you'd have been better off buying more SYW figures.

    1. We got £5.90 on the lottery last night, so perhaps a bit more time before the SYW gets to the top of the list again. Anyway, back on the brushes last night.

  6. Neat trucks, as you say they are all over the place and inexpensive as well.

    If you need to avoid serious painting withdrawal symptoms in the future I have some very nice Elizabethan Borderers that could do with a lick of paint, Id be happy to pay postage each way :)

    1. Those vehicles do tend to pop up everywhere. Painting blues gone now, one Russian squad nearing completion and two more primed this morning with a long list of 'needs' to get through.

    2. That's rather disappointing as I suddenly saw a reduction in my smallish lead hill.
      Never mind - enjoy your Russians :)
