
Wednesday 9 October 2019


Chain of Command at the club last night, and a typical miserable night weather wise. We took a scenario from the Kampgruppe von Luck mini campaign, a probe by the Germans where I had to get men into the enemy deployment area. You do not get a lot of support options in this campaign and the only vehicle is a hybrid assault gun  added to the strength of 21st Panzer Division, there is such a vehicle available from Warlord but hey, I am not made of money and besides it would not turn up before the game.

I therefore thought it best to overwhelm the elite British paratroop defenders so chose to bring four squads supported by an MMG and a Forward Observer with an 8 cm mortar off table. I don't think I got great Jump Off Points but I managed to keep the British points well back from the centre of the table. I moved a squad up through the nearby orchard, no idea why in hindsight, but it proved a good move in the end as Rob deployed most of his men in and around the farm buildings and they drew his attention for most of the game. At first these brave men gave as good as they got and inflicted a fair amount of kills on the Paras, but as time went on they took more and more kills and shock and right at the end broke for the rear having done sterling work by simply holding their ground.

On the right flank my MMG team drew the attention of a British mortar and smoke clouds began to hamper my shooting, eventually closing it down alltogether, however before this happened I managed to set off my barrage on the Paras defending the large field to my front. they tried to run but one team was caught and pinned, in subsequent moves I shifted the barrage (I think I got a double turn here) to catch a second team. I now brought on my remaining three squads and ran them towards the pinned Brits, my right most squad made a run for the enemy deployment zone while I got ready to sweep the field with machine gun fire when I lifted the barrage. At this point Rob surrendered. I learned more rules of the game and felt I had handled my troops better if not brilliantly.

I have had to order up more Russians, I did not realise how easy it is to paint WWII Russians and since Friday have got two squads ready for basing with one nearly finished and the last primed waiting in the wings. I went for Artizan figures and in the main they are nice if a bit unimaginative, the second guy in the LMG team is a bit wooden and looks to be in an awkward stance, the actual machine gunner is fine. For some reason these LMG's do not have bipods, I know they are probably a swine to cast but I do find it strange, if my eyes were better I would glue some wire on to them but it would be more trouble than its worth.

When I ordered up the extra supports I went for a couple of snipers, at £3.00 a figure I thought they were a tad expensive but hey I only wanted one team, however I did throw the towel in at the £3.20 postage. By all means I'll pay for the jiffy bag so put 20p on to the £1.06 first class postage, in fact take another 50p for your trouble walking to the Post Box, but don't expect me to pay £3.20. I mentioned this in passing to where I eventually did get the snipers and got an almost standard reply "some are only little firms" well that may well be the case but postage is postage no matter what size of firm you are, also I know large and small firms whose postage prices are completely reasonable and not robbery.

Black Powder next week and a Chain of Command weekend at the end of the month as Stewart and I continue with the Scottish Corridor campaign.


  1. A well earned victory there George, a lot more satisfying than Bolt Action too I wager.

    1. It does seem to sit better with me, but BA is always there for a change.

    2. Indeed, I like Bolt Action as a game. I have asked Dave to lay one on next week for my birthday in fact.

    3. Keep meaning to say, I have the Rubicon tank commander sprue to come at some point, I will have no use for the Russian, if you want him.

    4. Very kind Phil but my son is getting a sprue as well which he is going to pass on, so I will have double, thanks anyway.

  2. Great commentary - I really must try Chain of Command.
    Agree with postage issue; seems to be somewhat of an unadvertised money-spinner.
    As ever, your maps are superb.

    1. I think CoC is a Marmite game, I have went back after my first failures and have changed my mind. The map is from the book I merely super imposed the troops and movement etc. I had started out to do a template but got distracted, maybe later.

  3. Good use of tactics! I enjoy following your CoC action. These episodes tempt me to get mine back onto the table.

    1. I did feel that this game went my way, mainly thanks to the mortar barrage, a devastating blow to the Paras, which I was lucky enough to be able to follow up.

  4. Nice description of the action and it sounded a realistic game.

    Postage is a moveable feast, I've had stuff at anywhere between £1.90 and 4.99 for small parcels in the UK and $5.20 to $21.00 from the States although I didn't buy at the $21!
    Just had some ships from the States post free and ship price was £11.something, in the UK same ship £16.90
    I don't understand it at all.

    1. Thanks. You can send up to 2kg in the UK the size of a large pillow for £3.00 second class, so unless you are buying a lot of lead or the parcel is huge then you are getting taken. Yes fine put on a bit for the packaging and your time by all means but I baulked at an end price of 9.20 for two figures.

  5. A good win despite those awful rules! You much rather be playing a proper wargame I'm sure.

    1. They are just different David, but if I can win with them....

  6. Another great report George! I can never hit with my mortar 😀

    1. My first ranging shot nearly hit my own troops I was so far out, but the second hit home, a big change from Bolt Action where there was no point bringing a mortar usually.
