Thursday, 26 August 2021


 I have had a week of battles, the wargame one of course was at the club where Dan had set up a Seven Years War scenario between a French force which had to hold a bridge and a Prussian force which had to take the bridge.

I was the French commander and I had Jimi and David under my command, both of which were completely new to Black Powder, opposite I had Ed (newbie), Simon and BP veteran Rob who was the Prussian commander. The bridge was on my left flank and Jimi was given orders to defend the area, in the centre David was also to act defensively and be ready to support Jimi, I, with quite a large brigade was going to go forward against Rob who had less units and although Prussians I thought I could win the firefight.

I felt pretty confident as my boys leapt forward only to be halted by the fact my line battalions could not enter the wood to my front, Plan A out the window, I managed to move around the wood and got a nice line of battle set up, I sent my cavalry way out on the right to come around and charge the enemy cavalry. These beat me to it and Rob threw some dragoons at my line, I managed handily to knock them back, his infantry had also advanced into range and as I suspected I began to win the firefight.

French left, Prussians right.

Rob and I advance.

Ed moves against the French centre.

Simon moving on the bridge.

Over on my left it looked for a bit that Jimi had stopped Simon's advance on the bridge while David aggressively took on Ed in the centre, a slaughter took place here and I had to send two battalions to help out. Although Ed had some success the numbers told and his brigade was shattered and had to retreat. Jimi was now being heavily pressured by Simon who was on a roll. Just as I had got my troops organised they decided they would have a rest and just at the same time Rob fell back, frustrated I had to look on as the enemy slipped out of my clutches.

Desperate fighting in the centre.

Just before Rob's sneaky withdrawal.

 Time was getting on and Dan called a halt and a Prussian victory, Jimi and David were shattered and I took horse to Paris to lay the blame anywhere but on my brave lads who retired with their colours secure. The Prussians had lost one brigade while Simon had successfully taken the bridge and Rob had held me off. A simple yet exciting game, it was also quite remarkable how the new players took to the rules helped by umpire Dan. I am still fairly green with the rules myself but they always seem to return a good game at the club.

Other battles you ask, well the PO tried to deliver a Local Collect to me on Sunday (not for me) even though I am closed on a Sunday, I have left them in no doubt I shall not accept anything when I am closed in future no matter what rules they dream up. My next was with the Doctor, a recurring theme over the past eighteen months, my blood tests are all OK said the receptionist, what does that mean, who actually looked at them I asked and immediately realised the diabetic nurse didn't, the one who scared me six months ago. And the final battle was with the Postman last night, a ding dong with me face to face with him in the street, not a good look for an old guy.

I have primed my new troops and started painting the refugees which will also double as Jump Off Points for my French due to my lack of imagination for anything else suitable and having to get them on a 50mm round base. The LMF has taken a beating also recently, I bought some new Chain of Command patrol markers and tokens printed off by mate Stuart, I have also restocked on a couple of spray paints as they may be needed during the upcoming dark evenings. I have also just downloaded an Early War campaign in the East which requires German and Russian tank platoons, of course I could just wing it but of course I won't, I found an excellent deal on Pz 38(t)'s so three are winging their way to me, that leaves me with only a couple of Russian tanks to get. So much for slowing down.

 I was supposed to play the third game in the Gembloux Gap campaign last night but Matt's internet went down, we are wondering however if the campaign is fair to the French, it is only our third game and perhaps I will be halted this time but I do have double the support points and I can bring tanks, we will see.


  1. Well that looked and sounded an excellent game, BP is ideal for a club night. A no nonsense and faffing about set, perhaps similar to yourself re. The Post Office πŸ˜‰
    Nice to hear you are not slowing down on the collection frontπŸ™‚
    Just ordered a Firefly and a Panther.

  2. Good game! Good game! As Brucey used to say. Which is a bonus πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ™„ Having no interweb is a bother but hopefully my new router will arrive soon. In the meantime I have plenty to watch in the form of a dvd set about the ACW kindly sent to me by good chum Colin. Look forward to seeing your French JOPs πŸ˜‰

    1. Real shame about t’internet. But ready to roll.

  3. A grand SYW set to there, I was rooting for the Frogs too! As to dealing with the PO, you have my full sympathy there. Slowing down you said I recall? Nah, new it couldn't come to pass...πŸ˜‰

    1. Not too keen on PO at the mo. As for slowing down, not a court in the land would convict mem.

  4. You are fighting battles on many fronts, my friend. I especially enjoy seeing the SYW one. Great looking JOPs!

    1. A fraught week Jonathan. However beautiful warm weather here now and a holiday weekend, what’s not to enjoy.

  5. Sounds like a cracking game, and I'm looking forward to the early war Eastfront stuff. Just started 28mm WWII, so keen for any period content I can find.

  6. Once I knock France out I shall turn East flushed with victory, I think.
