With only a day to go before gaming the Italian Wars I wracked my brain for a decent scenario rather than our usual mirrored forces, for some reason I landed on the battle of Agdanello, France vs Venice during the War of the League of Cambrai 1508-1516 AD. To cut a long story short both armies were marching south, the French Vanguard ran into the Venetian Rearguard, the Venetians almost had the victory when the French Main Body turned up and the tables were turned, not helped by one of the Venetian commanders ignoring pleas for help and continuing his march.
I do not yet have the troops required for the battle so had to make do and so I came up with my own version of the battle. Each side had fifteen units split into three forces of five, one force for each side would already be deployed on the table, the Venetians behind a dry ditch and the French opposite, the only stipulation was that the French artillery must be deployed with this force, it also had one extra gun. The other two commands would have to throw a die from turn two, a 5 or 6 and they could enter, thereafter it would get easier by one each turn i.e. 4, 5 or 6 etc. For some daft reason we only had two command figures each instead of three, Julian's were both Bold and mine were both Rash befitting of French commanders.
French left, Venetians right.
The Venetian Rearguard.
The French Vanguard.

The Venetians started with all their pike blocks behind the ditch along with two guns, I chose my French Old Band pike, artillery, some mounted arquebusiers and a unit of Gendarmes. As the battle commenced neither of us moved and the artillery started to fire, this once again was a doomed effort for me, as even with three guns I only ever got one to fire and during the whole battle they only managed one kill, Julian did not do much better. The Venetians all turned up on turn three, a mass of cavalry, I got one of my commands which consisted of three Gendarme units some mounted crossbows and a Swiss contingent. I had planned to send the cavalry straight along the battlefield to counter the enemy horse, this was ruined by two of my Gendarme cavalry running straight for the Landsknechts and artillery behind the ditch on the Venetian right. I also cautiously sent my Vanguard cavalry towards the flanking force while turning the Old Band pike towards them as well, my gunners hauled their useless cannon around just in case.
My impetuous cavalry about to charge.
The rest of the Venetians turn up.
Ditto. |
The French race to help the Vanguard.

One of the Gendarme units became disordered crossing the ditch and ploughed into the Landsknechts, to my surprise they knocked the infantry back, the other unit rode down the gunners they crashed into, these were then set upon by a second Landsknecht block and again held their own. Meanwhile one of my Swiss commands was approaching the ditch but still very slowly, thankfully the press of horseflesh on the Venetian left was proving a bit awkward in the restricted space. I did manage lose my mounted arquebusiers but their supporting Gendarmes ran over some Stradiots and into the enemy rear. Back at the main fight I lost out to the German pikes but no shame to my cavalry, the Swiss were now up and charged across the obstacle, disordered again they were pushed back by the enemy pike block, but now the Landsknechts were in the ditch, they too became disordered. The Swiss now came into their own, steadied and routed them, the Swiss now aimed for the left had pike block which my cavalry attacks had reduced by a third, I had now thrown a second cavalry unit at them.
The Swiss arrive and attack.
The Old Band pike advance with caution.
Venetian steel.
Sadly it was time to call a halt, we had been chatting and taken a break for lunch provided by my better half. From the French point of view it looked like the Swiss would hit the Landsknecht pike block while it was still in combat with the cavalry who were holding on, the Venetian pikes behind it would take at least another move or maybe two to charge into them, these guys are not overly keen to get into combat preferring the mercenaries to do most of it. Elsewhere the main Venetian cavalry wave had not yet managed to get into charge range while my line was building with two pike blocks and some heavy cavalry waiting for them. But we all know that you cannot count on anything in a wargame.
The mighty Swiss.
Make way!
The centre makes contact too late.
Nevertheless the scenario worked really well and I look forward to fighting it again. I see The Assault Group are offering 10% off orders until the 23rd April, so I am biting the bullet and ordering up enough men for possibly two Spanish infantry units and some light cavalry and another artillery piece. I am still unsettled whether to simply do the normal pike blocks or Colunela's, Yarkshire Gamer Ken kindly answered my query on how he is going to use the formation under Furioso, he has some good ideas but I think I will let Ken test it out first.
Back of Beyond with Rob next Tuesday.
What a splendid looking battle George! A real wargamers battle indeed. Even if I lived to 200 I would not get that many figures painted ๐ The scenario looks very promising too and certainly different from the conventional “line up and have at ‘em” type game.
Very pleased with the way it turned out Matt, ta.
DeleteA fine scenario playing out well. Lovely armies as you'd expect now from your hand. Grand to see the Lead Pimple swelling nicely too.๐
ReplyDeleteThanks David, yes my pocket has taken a hit today.
DeleteA super scenario and resulting game with spectacular looking forces ensuring a visual treat too. Looks like you have found your ideal rule set for the period?
ReplyDeleteThanks Phil, rules need some tweaks but we really enjoy them.
DeleteLovely looking game sir!
ReplyDeletebest regards
Cheers Michal.
DeleteGtreat looking game and intersting BatRep. Nice
ReplyDeleteMarvelous display of color, George! Seeing your Italian Wars armies out for a game is inspiring. Inspiring enough that I may take up your tickler that TAG is offering a sale. With shipping, 10% does not seem like much, though. I may study your scenario and give it a try one day.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff!
I got it wrong it was only £10 off which did not make much of a dent in the overall price. I am glad the scenario worked, at some point I should have more suitable troops, real Venetians.
DeleteBeautiful armies George and great to see them getting into a grand battle, you could be collecting these for a while ๐
ReplyDeleteYou are right there Matt I have smaller forces to build for all the main Italian players eventually.
DeleteBrilliant looking game George, it's such a colourful period!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray, the look of them is one of the main reasons I went for the period.
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no knowledge of the period but those are great looking figures. Must be very satisfying getting them on the table after starting from scratch not so very long ago. I envy your commitment and application (and your painting skill!)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeremy, always wanted to do this period and chose it for my last hurrah. It still has a long way to go which is another reason. Thanks for the kind words on the painting.
DeleteThis is a fun battle to recreate. I did this as a 3 player as side and it was a real nail biter with the Venetians hanging on long enough to slip away to rejoin the main body.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly has caught the imagination of readers and I look forward to re-fighting it again. Ta.